Mango to answer your question about the library--they had weekly lectures which many snowbirds attend which lead to more info about the area. They also posted activities that were happening such as concerts etc. The ladies working there gave us many hints as to what was going on in the area and also referred us to other organizations that were of help. As I said, the senior center wasn't much help, but I got the feeling that they were just starting out. They did refer us to the Destin center,I called there but never got a call back. I don't know if any of you are able to post on travel sites, but if you can,(such as trip advisor,etc.) that would also be a great spot to make others aware of the area. With so many of us baby boomers retiring or getting ready to retire, I would think if you can just get the word out there about how wonderful your area is, you will be able to rent:clap_1: to many more of us!