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Beach Lover
Apr 13, 2010
Forgot which forum I was on after resumed typing post phone call. All SoWalers need to make themselves heard on this, too.

ricky bobby

Aug 24, 2011
Tallahassee, Fl
Cut the bed tax in half, advertise that the bed tax is lower in Walton County than in other areas and do away with the TDC. If conservative conventional wisdom holds true, there would be even more revenue coming into the county. The problem as I see it is that the money is needed in areas other than fluff and lining the bank accounts of local Republicans and their benefactors and cronies.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Dear SWCC Member,

On Monday, the TDC Advisory Council, the Board of County Commissioners and a roomful of citizens participated in a 2.5 hour meeting about the TDC. The full meeting was recorded by Neighborvision and can be viewed at http://www.neighborvision.com/tdc-120611.html/ Thank you to Neighborvision for providing this wonderful community service.

It would be impossible to accurately summarize all of the commentary. Here is some information to give you some idea of the breadth and scope of discussion. I have also included an excerpt from the DAG report which was referenced at the meeting.

The TDC had commissioned Destin Architectural Group (DAG) to do an assessment of their current facility and a program/space needs analysis for both current needs and future expansion. A representative from DAG presented their analysis for the existing building. He pointed out issues with current facility which were basically inadequate parking spaces, including no place for RV parking, lack of accessability from those going U.S. 331 south as well as some problems with the building such as lack of a moisture shield under the first floor (its over water), lack of ADA accessibility, fire code issues with the attic being used for some office space instead of exclusively for storage for which it was designed, unusable dead space, etc. The building can be slightly expanded for the future, e.g., build closer to the parking lot, but further expansion is limited by wetland impacts which would require permitting, mitigation and may not be allowed. His assessment seemed to be that issues with the building could be fixed but inadequate parking would remain an unfixable problem for the current site. There was some comment about locating the Visitor Information Center (VIC) elsewhere. The administrative offices could then possibly remain in the current building as repaired. At least one member of the TDC Advisory Council felt it was important to keep the VIC and administrative offices together for efficiency and logistical ease of communication.

The current TDC facility is 8,964 gross SF of which the Visitor Center is 760 SF. The DAG space analysis, completed in September of 2011, concludes "we arrive at a need for 12,000 square feet of heated and cooled gross square footage. In addition, we have determined that 2,552 square feet of covered deck will be necessary. Thus the total project area for building structure under roof is 14,976 square feet. " He explained his conclusions were based on "applying industry standards" and review of Visitors Centers in other areas. He said he also looked at some other TDC facilities and staff. A member of the audience had accumulated a lot of information on the size of TDC facilities and staffing in the Panhandle and around the state and pointed out the existing Walton County TDC facility and staff was currently one of the larger ones according to her research.

There was also discussion about purchasing property for a new building. The County was asked whether they had funding for buying land for the TDC. Commissioner Larry Jones indicated there may be some available.

The TDC leases the current site from Forestry. Under the lease, if the property is no longer to be used for a tourist information center and administrative offices, the County is required to restore the site to its pre-lease condition unless the County and forestry come to some other agreement. The costs associated with restoring the land have not been determined. Neither have the expenses associated with repairing the issues with the building. That aspect of this issue has not been determined. Commissioner Larry Jones asked the TDC to look into that aspect of this issue.

I asked about the budget and what was the limit as the expenses of buying land, building a facility and the costs, whatever they may be, associated with restoring or repairing the current site issues were adding up. Commissioner Larry Jones said it was not a budgeted item and that would have to be looked into.

There was a lot of public input which centered generally around the following topics.

Re-visiting the function of the TDC, its goals, objectives and needs in terms of the current state of tourism, particularly the advancement and availability of information technology through smart phones and apps, websites, GPS technology, etc.

The effectiveness and relevancy of a single Visitors' Center (VIC) as opposed to locating several smaller VICs throughout the community in areas where people tend to be congregated

Separating the VIC from the administrative offices and letting the Chamber of Commerce run the VIC as is done in some other communities

The meeting culminated in a motion made by a member of the TDC Advisory Council to engage a facilitator to help determine, via public charettes, what is needed for the VIC and TDC Administration. The concept of "starting over" seemed to have support. It sounded like everything will be on the table including needs, one location or multiple locations, facility size, etc. The County Commissioners then supported the motion.

As soon as we know when the first public workshop will take place we will let you know.

Anita Page
SWCC Executive Director

ricky bobby

Aug 24, 2011
Tallahassee, Fl
The truth is the county has lots of money and the inclination of bureaucrats and politicians is to spend it, even if it's for something that's the answer to a question that nobody asked. And I can't help but wonder if they ram this idiotic project through, who stands to profit by it's construction?

ricky bobby

Aug 24, 2011
Tallahassee, Fl
Since the TDC is flush with cash that's burning a hole in their pockets, how about this: Build a new visitor center at the DeFuniak Springs Airport. Tourists coming in from the north run right into it. And include a "large staging area" large enough to accomodate a bizjet. Maybe a Cessna Citation. That way one of the biggest contributors to Walton county politicians would have a place to park his ride.


Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I know you weren't being serious, but that is an interesting idea. Have heard there is great demand for private plane spaces at the ECP airport.

liz coats

Beach Lover
Jun 19, 2012
I don't live in the area but my parents do and I've been coming down since I was a child. Wasting money like this proposal is the silliest idea I've seen lately. My folks have a place in Seagrove Beach and I don't think I've every given any thought to it being in Walton County. I've seen all those 'SoWal' stickers for years but wasn't sure what it meant.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Here is the Draft Agenda from the County for the County Commission meeting on June 26, 2012 at the courthouse in DeFuniak Springs. The County is now labeling the agendas available to the public as "draft" agendas as there may be additions or deletions to the agenda made at the meeting.

Items of particular relevance south of the Bay are highlighted in blue. Here is some additional information on a few items.

1. The TDC Request for Proposal for a facilitator for a public workshop. (Item 4 under TDC)

The Requested Action is for the County Commissioners to "approve to advertise a RFQ (Request for Qualification) for a moderator/facilitator to conduct public workshops for general public input and education. These workshops will proceed any future related to the TDC building and location."

The support explanation for the request is "to contract a facilitator to conduct multiple public workshops with the content including the needs of interactive visitor center, administrative offices and general educational information on the statutes and mission of the South Walton Tourist Development Council. It is preferred to be able to contract with the same facilitator to conduct all future public workshops to include the TDC building and location selection."

This is the details for the RFQ discussed at the Joint hearing between the County Commissioners and the TDC Advisory Council.

2. TDC Update on Invoice Policy and Procedures. (Item 7 under TDC)

At the May 22, 2012 County Commission meeting the Commissioners requested the TDC Executive Director, County Interim Finance Director, Clerk of Court Finance Director and the County Attorney to meet to discuss TDC financial processes. Dawn Moliterno, the TDC Executive Director, is making a report from that meeting that includes the following:

"(1) When a requisition is initiated, in the comments section, the BCC approval date must be listed when the cost is greater than $25,000. This will allow the County Purchasing Department to review the BCC commission meeting minutes on that date for their approval. This will speed up the process and make it more efficient. If it is less than $25,000, normal BCC purchasing procedures should be followed with respect to proper approvals and that it is a valid TDC expense.

(2) When contracting with an ad agency, it is customary to make advance payments for TV spots and magazine placement. Therefore, it is essential that the ad agency send "proof of "airtime" confirmations and tear sheets for magazine ads. TDC personnel is responsible for monitoring all effects of advertising to make sure that what we paid for actually occurred or that we received the goods. Once the confirmations or tear sheets are received, they should be forwarded to the Clerk's office for inclusion in the voucher packet.

(3) All contracts wil go through the normal BCC bid process and purchasing requirements.

It is essential that strict financial controls are followed to ensure the County funds are appropriated properly. Working as a team with the TDC, County Purchasing, the Office of the Clerk of Court will bring clarity to the process and enable all citizens of Walton County to know that their money is in safe hands."
Anita Page, SWCC Executive Director


Times are approximate and may not be strictly adhered to.

9:00 AM

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag

Call to Order

Approval of Agenda – addition or deletion of items

Approval of Consent Agenda

1. Approve Expenditure Approval List (EAL)

2. Approve Minutes of May 24, 2012 Workshop, June 5, 2012 Special Meeting, June 6, 2012 Special Meeting, June 11, 2012 Special Joint Meeting, June 12, 2012 Special Meeting and June 12, 2012 Regular Meeting

3. Approve the Quarterly Report from the Life Enrichment Senior Center for October, November, December 2011 and January, February and March 2012

4. Approve the Workforce Development Board of Okaloosa and Walton Counties’ Budget for FY 2012-2013

5. Approve to accept the Emergency Management Performance Grant in the amount of $59,689.00, a federally funded sub-grant received to fund portions of the Emergency Management Program

6. Approve and accept the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Grant in the amount of $105,806.00, a state funded sub-grant received to fund portions of the Emergency Management Program

7. Approve the CivicPlus Recurring Redesign Contract Addendum

8. Approve the First Option to renew Agreement for Pest Control and Termite Services with Southland Pest Services, Inc.

9. Reappoint Marsha Anderson and Richard Bryan to the Coastal Dune Lakes Advisory Board for another 3-year term

10. Approve the First Option to renew Agreement for Inmate Telephone System

11. Approve to purchase and replace Employee ID Badge Machine

12. Approve a Resolution to amend FY 2011-2012 Budget for unanticipated revenue in the amount of $40,592 in the Supervisor of Elections Office Account

13. Approve to apply for the AFG grant through FEMA for the purchase of Communication Equipment

14. Approve to surplus Fire Rescue vehicle BCC# 3663 and sell the vehicle to the City of Samson, Alabama

15. Approve to surplus several items from the Walton County Corrections Department

9:05 AM Gerry Demers, Interim County Administrator

1. Public Works

a. Walton Road/John Baldwin Road Intersection Improvement

2. Support Services

a. Brian Coley, Fire and Rescue-Request to present Medicare with a letter of

responsibility for the Medicare Licensure for Walton County Fire Rescue

3. Administration

a. Scarlett Phaneuf, Executive Director of the Walton County Economic Development Alliance

1. Request to adopt a Resolution authorizing a Referendum to determine whether to grant Economic Development Tax Exemptions as specified in Florida Statute 196.1955; Providing an effective date

2. Update

b. Request Approval of service agreement to enhance web site

9:15 AM Toni Craig, County Attorney

1. Continued Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Walton County Code to add a new division entitled “Real property Transactions:” requiring Board approval of need for all real property transactions, price and costs of such transactions; delegating certain responsibilities of transactions to the County Administrator and County Attorney; providing for severability, conflicts; and an effective date

9:25 AM Dawn Moliterno, TDC Executive Director

1. Approve a contract with DPA, A Division of Digital Research, Inc. to perform research services with the South Walton TDC for an annual rate of $157,000

2. Approve the Beach Neighborhood Criteria Standard Operating Procedures

3. Approve the request to process an RFP for an engineering/construction company to address the current deficiencies related to the health and safety issues identified at the TDC building

4. Approve to advertise an RFQ for a moderator/facilitator to conduct a public workshop for general public input and education. These workshops will precede any future workshops related to the TDC building and location.

5. Approve to rescind the Group Business Sponsorship Incentive Sponsorship Program Guidelines & Operating Procedures

6. Approve the new Group Meeting Incentive Sponsorship Program Guidelines & Standard Operating Procedures

7. Update-TDC/County Invoice Policy and Procedure Meeting Recap

9:35 AM Commissioner Cecilia Jones, District Five

9:40 AM Commissioner Sara Comander, District Four

1. “Visioning”

9:45 AM Vice-Chairman Kenneth Pridgen, District Two

9:50 AM Commissioner Larry D. Jones, District Three

9:55 AM Chairman Scott A. Brannon, District One

10:00 AM Public Comments – please limit comments to five minutes or less


Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Ok so I am confused. Has the county decided to keep the existing building? Or is guvment so convoluted that they are going to spend money proving that the existing building is no good?

[h=2]Conceptual Design /Renovations TDC Building[/h]The Walton County Tourist Development, TDC a division of Walton County is seeking proposals from qualified design/build firms to address the challenges and issues that have been identified in the existing TDC building. Overall purpose of this RFP is to design the TDC building renovations to address those health and safety issues that are identified in this RFP. Design work may include; functional design criteria, architectural design criteria, structural design criteria, operational considerations, security considerations, code issues and miscellaneous design requirement, cost estimates and simplification of construction, quality assurance standards, formulate a set of construction documents and technical specifications for those specific renovations to the existing TDC building and include estimated cost of construction for those specific renovations, co-manage the project with the County during construction.

Firms who are interested should submit their proposals no later than 3:00PM on September 6, 2012. To be determined at pre-conference. Proposals received after that date and time will not be accepted. Submit proposals to:

Office of Central Purchasing
176 Montgomery Circle
DeFuniak Springs, Fl 32433

Pre-Conference was originally scheduled for August 28, 2012 NOW CHANGED
There will be a mandatory pre-conference meeting to be held at the County Administrator’s Office located at 76N. 6th Street, DeFuniak Springs, Florida on September 4, 2012, at 900AM

Firms must be present at the designated start time of the pre-conference meeting and must remain until the conference is adjourned. The County will not accept proposals from vendors arriving after the designated start time or departing prior to adjournment of the preconference.

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