I have a new computer background....
(said to the tune of nanny nanny boo boo)
...oh, sheet...how much do I have to pay you?
nothing, secret is safe with me...
you are on the floor with the Cheetos...:rofl:Is it the one before or after the floor Cheetos.
Thanks! Nikon 17-35 f2.8 at 17mm.What lens? I always enjoy your work.
Aw shucks that's very nice. I don't think I do anything new just do what I love.Definitely one of my favorites,Thanks for sharing.
I recently saw a collection of quotes from photographers in a Photo Magazine at my doctor's office, he is an amateur photo bug so there are Photography magazines everywhere in the waiting room.
I wrote this one down because I knew one day Kurt would post a photo that this would apply to.
It always amazes me that just when I think that there's nothing left to do in photography and that all permutations and possibilities have been exhausted, someone comes along and puts the medium to a new use, and makes it his or her own, yanks it out of this kind of amateur status, and makes it as profound and moving and as formally interesting as any other medium. It's like pushing something heavy uphill. Photography's not an easy medium. It is, finally, perhaps the hardest of them all.
- Chuck Close
I don't shoot nudes but it crossed my mind that would be a good spot....that is spectacular! The only thing missing is ME sitting on the bench! ;-)
I don't shoot nudes but it crossed my mind that would be a good spot.
I don't shoot nudes but it crossed my mind that would be a good spot.
Thanks! Nikon 17-35 f2.8 at 17mm.
Aw shucks that's very nice. I don't think I do anything new just do what I love.
I don't shoot nudes but it crossed my mind that would be a good spot.