NotDeadYet, care to share your story of your own interesting sunburn? lol. Better yet, do you have photos of your interesting burn?
FYI-- I also keep an eye out for who has the darkest tan and who is the most baked lobster-red.
Beach goers worry about sharks and alligators, but some tend to forget that the Sun is a big 'ole ball of radiation, which will burn you. The least you should do is avoid the cancer hours, wear protective clothing (though I'd rather see the bikinis), or wear a good sunblock and reapply often.
BR, that must be a new law, because I've not heard of such. I believe you must receive permission if the photo is to be used for commercial gain (not sure), but to simply take a photo of people is not illegal. Think about all the people at Disney World who would be breaking the law if that were the case.