Don't underestimate how the present economy is going affect summer vacations. The middle-income folks are having a rough go of it this year with the increase in gas prices, maxed-out home equity, mortgage resets, looming job layoffs, and inflation (yes, food and fuel DOES count Ben!).
As I stated previous, a number of folks who used to rent in our area bought their own place during the frenzy--adding more inventory while decreasing the number of renters. Additionally, with the threat of increased hurricane activity this season, some may be fearful of losing a deposit if they book too early (even if a 'cane doesn't directly hit the area, the churning Gulf and rainy weather could make for a crappy vacation.) Moreover, waiting for the last minute to ensure a hurricane-free vacation may also prove beneficial if they can swing a "last minute cut-rate condo."
IMO gulf-front places and folks who woo their repeat guests will do OK...the others will probably have to work much harder to fill their places in advance.