kurt said:Your sister's name must be Phay because I remember someone by that name posting last year that she beats on car hoods.
kurt said:Your sister's name must be Phay because I remember someone by that name posting last year that she beats on car hoods.
I've been to Roma many times. Love the town, love the food, love everything. Definitely another level of pedestrian abuse.Mermaid said:BR, you need to take a trip to Rome.
Beach Runner said:I've been to Roma many times. Love the town, love the food, love everything. Definitely another level of pedestrian abuse.
Cambridge, more specifically MIT, also has its pedestrian challenges. First of all, virtually all of MIT's classroom space is in what they call the Infinite Corridor (825 feet long, connecting virtually all of the classroom buildings). The idea is once you get in, you don't have to leave (the Hotel California, nawwwww) because the weather sucks so bad, you'd never go to class if you had to face the weather going from building to building. To get to the Infinite Corridor (a.k.a. 77 Mass. Ave.) from the dorms, you have to cross Mass. Ave. - not an easy task. Just for grins, the MIT kids (including my daughter) lunge forward, faking that they are about to cross Mass Ave. They laugh about how many people they cause to cr#p their pants by doing this.
Small world! Recognize this? The view from by daughter's dorm room, which BTW she drew in Corel and was featured on the MIT website.Mermaid said:I know all about MIT. I used to work there, as did Merman. My apartment, in fact, was across the Charles River on Beacon Street. There's not much I don't know about Boston or Cambridge. :roll:
Beach Runner said:Small world! Recognize this? The view from by daughter's dorm room, which BTW she drew in Corel and was featured on the MIT website.
Sorry. I was editing. BTW I love Miracle of Science Bar and Grill, East Coast Grill, Mr. Bartley's, Border Cafe, and (even though it's a chain) Legal Sea Foods.Mermaid said:?? did you mean to post something?
Ditto for my daughter. It was just not a good cultural fit (she missed being with people who had social skills and didn't stare at the ground to avoid eye contact), and she missed SoWal! The beaches up there don't compare.Mermaid said:Atlanta was much closer to SoWal, a much better choice for us.