For those of you wondering what it's like at the Cottages at Camp Creek, we're at the Cottages at Camp Creek now for this week. We have two cottages here and LOVE the area because it is very family friendly. The community is gated, although the gates are closing after 6:00 PM this summer (I don't know the exact time). You then have to use a code to get in. It's a very quiet community anyway, even when the gates are open because there's no reason to come here unless you are living/renting here since we have no stores, there's no road to take you anywhere but around the cottages, and it's not a tourist spot. Just 36 pastel-colored one story cottages (with large sitting porches) or so and about 6 larger homes in the front and about 6 in the back. There's a large pool/hot tub in the middle. The landscaping is primarily native plants which is nice and lush. I don't know the exact % of land that has to be kept native, but I believe it's about 40% (don't quote me on that) so you see a lot of green.
Here's a typical vacation day: Today, the kids spent the morning at the pool, then we went to Angelinas for lunch, then we stopped by the Lakewood Beach Access (exactly 3.8 miles from the cottage), then back to the pool, then out to the Inlet beach access (exactly 2.6 miles from the cottage) and the kids had a fantastic time in the ocean (although the ramp to the beach is in pretty bad shape and I don't know if it's officially open to the public). I spend the early morning and late evening on the porch reading (it's too hot to sit outside during the daytime unless you're near water). Tomorrow we'll do the same thing, although we'll look for a different beach access (probably Grayton Beach State Park that costs about $4.00 car and I believe their bathrooms are open and the beach is wonderful -- haven't seen it since Dennis, though) and off to the Red Bar for lunch. It's easy to get very lazy around here...
We had planned to get to Seaside or Rosemary beach for outside concerts/movies, but everyone gets tired from the pool/beach and lazy so we haven't gone out at night other than to go to the pool to watch the stars come out (one of the nice things about having a lot of one-story cottages is that you can really see the stars because there aren't buildings blocking the view).
Cleary, I love this place... When the beach access is back, I'll get back to my routine of taking my tea and a book to the beach in the early morning hours and we'll all head for the beach again to watch the sunset in the evening (these are our traditions that we're not doing this trip because we don't have the beach walkover across the street right now due to Dennis -- but it will be built again though I don't know when).
If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me through this site.
Hope this helps for those of you who wanted to know more.