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Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I'm having difficulty understanding your position that the use of workshops that allow any person to recommend, present, define or propose solutions rather than a "special committee" is taxation without representation.

Sounds great just doesn't pass the "Truth-O-Meter" test.


Beach Comber
May 30, 2013
DeFuniak Springs,FL
Mr Hillard I think you are confusing the big developers with the people who formed the organization. The big guys have iron clad DORs that protect them from the BCC's ordinances. It is truly small businesses who are made to bear the financial losses associated with these new ordinances. Instead of responsible infrastructure and planning, the BCC wants a short term solution and since it can't make the big developers help with the mess created long ago, small businesses get gouged. We just want to present ideas that will solve the problems long term and make our area accessible to residents and visitors. I don't see how that hurts anyone.

You have a point and I wrote a lenghty response and sent it, but I was not signed in and the message disappeared. Sorry about that. I'm tired, going to bed, but I will respond. Thanks for your comments.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 13, 2008
Here is a brief rundown of how the Walton County Small Business Association came to be. A new parking ordinance was proposed. As written, it has the potential to crush most of the small businesses in our area. While parking is clearly one of many problems we face in this county, this particular draft would create rules that are almost impossible for existing businesses to comply with. A handful of local business owners heard about it and starting spreading the word. The organization grew quickly from there. You can call us special interest if you want but keep in mind that one voice doesn't carry much weight. Of course we would organize and create a larger collective voice. It is our right and the right of all citizens to do so.
We feel that the parking ordinance as written is terrible for business and tourism and the community as a whole and would have little if any short term impact. Long term impact would likely be the closing of current businesses. And I would like to also point out that these business owners are not asking for special treatment. They would not be in business if they had not followed all the rules set forth to get into business. Changing the rules now would not be fair and would place undo burden on existing business. Effectively, it would create an environment ripe to be taken over by bigger business. The ordinance would apply county wide which means that if you live on a farm in the country, you would be subject to the same parking regulations even though there is no need for that. Also, communities like Seaside, Watercolor etc. would not be subject to these regulations because the county has no authority to impose such ordinances upon them. We feel that the ordinance attempts to address a problem but doesn't hit the mark. We would all be subject to the new rules except for the very places where the problem are the worst. Effectively, there is no real estate available for most existing businesses to create more parking. And if there was, all we would be doing is paving paradise, creating a run off problem and turning our quaint little town into just another concrete jungle. We are simply proposing a committee that looks for a solution that will work with our county's current situation. Better zoning would have been a great idea some years ago. But our community has already evolved past that. Unless you want to wipe the county clean and start over, we must look forward. Imagine this, a community with plenty of public parking, free or cheap shuttles and less traffic congestion. That is exactly what we are proposing. Instead of paving what little land is available to accommodate more traffic, why don't we work from where we already are? What if we had more feeder roads? What if tourists could arrive at their condo and leave their car at the condo for the duration of their trip. That would get cars off of the road, alleviate traffic and give people a much more relaxing experience. Let's not forget, this would also reduces the number of intoxicated drivers. Parking is one of many traffic problems in this county. It is not the responsibility of business owners to accommodate every car that enters Walton County. If that is the case, then the first thing we need to do is cap tourism because we can't realistically all expand our parking every time a new person visits or moves here. We want to see a long term solution that every county citizen can live with. That is exactly why we are asking for a committee of ALL stakeholders to look at a comprehensive plan. We are not asking for our group to be the committee. We are asking to have a seat at the table as one of the stakeholders. Commissioner Meadows suggested that this could be done in a workshop. She also suggested that our members do not attend such workshops. Had she been at the last parking ordinance workshop, she would have seen that myself and many members of our association were at that workshop. As Mr. Shipman pointed out, we were only allowed to address the parking ordinance, not how to tie it into a more comprehensive solution. Imagine talking to your child's teacher about a bad test score and only being able to talk about that test score. You wouldn't be able to talk about better study habits, homework, problems with a teacher or another student... That bad test score is a symptom of the problem but not the whole problem. Talking about that bad score would not help solve the problem as a whole. We simply want a chance to address the whole problem. I have rambled long enough. I would however like to invite all of you to go to our website and read our mission statement. You will also find useful information about why we feel the way we do. We are not trying to railroad this county into doing favors for us. We want a fair playing field and a community that we can all be proud call home. Walton County truly is a special place. That is why we live here and that is why other people want to come here. Let's find a way to keep it special even if that means we have to get creative.
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Beach Comber
May 30, 2013
DeFuniak Springs,FL
Mr Hillard I think you are confusing the big developers with the people who formed the organization. The big guys have iron clad DORs that protect them from the BCC's ordinances. It is truly small businesses who are made to bear the financial losses associated with these new ordinances. Instead of responsible infrastructure and planning, the BCC wants a short term solution and since it can't make the big developers help with the mess created long ago, small businesses get gouged. We just want to present ideas that will solve the problems long term and make our area accessible to residents and visitors. I don't see how that hurts anyone.

As promised here are a few more comments. Forgive me if I get too windy.

You do have a point about big vs. small business. The definition of a small business may vary with the individual. Frankly, the idea of a small business group is probably overdue. Many of the concerns that have been expressed here on this forum are legitimate for sure. However, it's a fact that many of the problems that currently exist have been generated by very poor planning and shortcomings on parking, giant houses turned into rentals creating parking issues, and a host of other problems. To think all of these problems have been generated by big business is disingenuous. Small business has a significant culpability as well.

All kinds of problems have been identified for years by citizen groups, individuals, condo associations, etc. Numerous suggestions for fixes have been offered. For the most part not many have received proper attention. Part of the reason has been what may be a good fix for some may not be good for others. It becomes a political tug of war and often little gets done except in favor of development. Commissioners of the past and present are politicians. Politicians are famous for sticking a wet finger in the wind to see which way it’s blowing. That’s the nature of politics.

In my opinion the current county commission has been much more focused on addressing difficult issues and taking actions that would not have been possible before the last election. One of course is the traffic and parking issue in south Walton and what I call a business license. As a starting point they have proposed a new ordinance on parking, etc., and considering an ordinace on a business license.. To my knowledge this is the first time the commission has taken a serious step in an attempt to make some progress on either issue.

In the past when parking and traffic issues became a problem in the development stage those who offered alternatives or objections were often ignored. This applied to small business interest as well as so called big business.

I don’t know of anyone who would disagree that a significant effort should go forward to do what can be done to relieve some of the traffic and parking issues. However, in my opinion it may be found there is no solution to the damage that has already been done. It may be like the Brooks Bridge problem, you live with it.

The term ‘grandfather’ can be defined in a new ordinance. What should be done with future development can be defined. The public in general should be allowed their input on what this would mean.

We can all talk our heads off until dooms day, but I don’t see how it would be possible to meld the old and the new into one single understanding that would apply fairly across the board. There will be differences that will have to be lived with, but the public should have an opportunity to have a say on all this.

So far as a Blue Ribbon Committee is concerned I am absolutely opposed to the idea even though what they may come up with would not apply to chartered municipalities in the county. If a coalition of groups wish to form an alliance to work between themselves and present recommendations I think that would have broad public appeal. If several groups want to form a Blue Ribbon Committee under the official auspices of the Board of County Commissioners this raises a red flag in my mind. Meaningful input and representations by the public would be seriously deminished. This would provide a level of insulation between the public taxpayers and their elected representatives. The county commission would be inclined to accept their recommendation without due diligence being given to alternative public opinions or individual small or big business concerns.

Public workshops provide a full opportunity for organized citizen groups as well as individual participation to debate issues before their elected representatives. They are not incumbered by a quasi-legislative official committee which in my opinion reduces the effectiveness and influence of non-aligned groups and the individual taxpayer.

I thank you for your comment and the opportunity to respond on this forum.

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