quite honestly, the WC Market has been a financial mess since they opened it, definitely a loss leader. which is ok, if they would have recognized it as such. there have been countless managers, kitchen managers, and different concepts of how it was to be run, the ;level of servive, and menu type in it's short(not really) history. so much change never really let it develop it's own identity. it got the traffic had due to it's location, and the fact that you never knew when anything else in WC was going to be open or not. it is definitely the most prime real estate on the WC corridor, and whoever moves in there will be spending exhorbitant money and will need to have a firm concept in place. and, have the $$ to drop into it with a long term ROI in mind. therefor, starbucks indeed would be a prime candidate. the reality is, that there needs to be a foodservice outlet in there to round thing out for WC and only a antional chain will the the finances to afford it. so, subway may not be the only 'big name' on 30a soon.
my .02 no crystal ball though