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John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014

Here, well in advance, is what they all need to be prepared, PREPARED, to answer in a YES or NO Format:

Do YOU (Candidate) support the School Superintendent Referendum? (Insert Answer Here)

This will immediately cull many that choose to not answer and create much fodder for those who don't understand the they verbage of YES or NO.


Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
Really, you think that will do? I personally don't think it will happen. I realize you are saying you support or oppose something behind a screen name. Politicians are attempting to get elected and lets pretend that those who are voting, 50% are for and 50% are against your pool just got smaller. The answer you will likely see is what someone already has said, whoever is elected whether they support it or not will be carrying out the will of the voters.

Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
Lets Start A List of Questions

County Commissioner

1. What do you believe the role of a county commissioner is and should be?
2. Name three things you would change about Walton County Government.
3. Would you support single member districts in Walton County?
4. What steps would you like to see taken to increase transparency in local government?
5. Would you support all electronic communications to board members being automatically available to the public unless specifically exempted from disclosure?

School Board

1. What motivates you to want to become a board member?
2. What do you see as the board's role and responsibility?
3. What is your vision for education in this county?
4. What do you see as the current challenges facing education?
5. Please tell us your level of education,school and certifications you have.
6. Do you support an elected superintendent or appointment by the School Board
7. What is your view on Common Core?


Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
All are excellent questions, Bob. Even though ii is a North Walton forum the beach is of paramount importance to the county as a whole. Here are a few questions concerning it.

1. What is your position on the beach renouishment program and why?
2. What is your opinion on beach usage by the public?
3. Do you believe beach signage should be allowed on our pristine beaches?
4. Are you in favor of beach vendors and other businesses being licensed?

I wish I could attend but I don't like driving at night anymore. Once again, great questions, Bob.
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John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
Let me guess... Lots of open hand slaps. No real answers to simple questions and someone was a complete failure...

This sort of stuff should be a documentary filmed by college kids and used as a reference to everything that's wrong with society.

Vote for me but don't ask me Questions. My handlers have advised I don't discuss that.

Are we voting for a candidate on the best circus side show for four years of entertainment?
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