Wow lots of rude and one sided people here .
Last I checked my opinion was as important as anyone elses.
Perhaps due to the fact I don't sugar coat things, nor do I pull punches, I am Disliked.
Research most of the posts and you'll see truth. Truth hurts those that don't want to hear it.
I'm far from perfect, but I am entitled to my opine. Ask the advertisors on this site...
Stop John G! Not one soul has said you can't have an opinion.
1.) You despise Sheriffs Adkinson and bash him at every opportunity. You get away with that because he is a public figure. And of course you don't sugar coat your hatred...we ALL see it! I don't agree with everything he does but unlike you I don't take every thread posted on SoWal and turn it into my own personal pi$$ing contest with those I disagree with.
2.) I've lived more "research" in this county in the 30+ years I've been here than you will experience in a lifetime. I know more about good ole boy politics, ruthless Sheriff's and those that went along to get along and draw a paycheck than you'll ever know! I know more about crooked, coked up lawyers, dirty politicians, back room deals and corruption but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with digging holes, not covering them and potentially destroying marine habitat on Walton County beaches...marine habitat I might add that have come to our beaches to have their young since Moses was just a gleam in his daddies eye! One has nothing to do with the other and you being sarcastic (by your own admission) isn't endearing anyone to your very selfish cause.
3.) Riddly sea turtles, loggerheads and leather backs have been coming to OUR beaches since long before arrogant beach front property owners decided to rope off property down to the water line and will continue to come long after the next hurricane wipes those beaches clean just as Camille and Katrina did for MS. Marine Turtles and their free access to OUR beaches will still be federally protected unlike the claims made by people stating they own the beach.
4.) Your truth doesn't bother me one iota because it's not backed by any law, federal or otherwise! Your attitude on the other hand and your attempts to derail every single thread on this forum with stupid hostility for anyone who doesn't agree with you is over the top and unnecessary.
5.) Last but certainly not least, I can't remember the last time I was even on OUR beaches so in all fairness, I don't even have a dog in this ridiculous fight over private property and who can walk, sit or stroll along them and for the most part I have stayed out of the threads and have kept mostly to just to agreeing with or liking the comments of those who want to keep beach access free and uncluttered by ridiculous signs, ropes and chains by folks under the delusional impression that they own the sand. This has nothing to do with whether I like or dislike you and quite honestly, there was a time I even defended you but lately, even I am finding that to be a chore!