Airport Authority Board Meeting - 9/11/2009
by NewPFN
on September 14, 2009
Rental Car Minimum Annual Guarantees:
This item allows the board to consider removing the minimum annual guarantee (MAG) from the current rental car agreements.
The Board voted to keep the current MAG in the rental car agreements.
Amend Personnel Manual—New Job Position:
This item presents for Board approval of the creation of a temporary, part-time job position to assist the Director of Administration with certain tasks related to the relocation project such as filing, copying, faxing, etc. and assist in covering the front desk in the absence of the Executive Secretary. The position would be for 16-24 hours per week.
Public Records Request Policy:
The airport attorney has prepared a Public Records Policy which provides uniform policies regarding public records requests. The policy names the Executive Director as the custodian of the Airport’s public records. It also states the airport will acknowledge any request promptly and allows for public records to be inspected at the administration office during normal business hours. The document also states a fee will be charged for requests which require extensive clerical or supervisory assistance (more than 20 minutes.)
Walbridge Change Orders:
- Security Infrastructure for AOA gate at GAT- hangars, Fuel Farm, North gate and Delivery gate. Cost: $619,751. Approved.
- Add glass handrails back into the terminal contract. Cost: $95,816. Approved.
- Relocate the first floor conference room to alleviate a bottleneck situation.Cost: not to exceed $75,000. Approved.
- Extend exit corridor for arriving passengers at the request of TSA. Cost: Not to exceed $30,000. Approved.
- Add lightning detection system. Cost: $48,000. Vote deferred until further information is supplied.
- Add fuel monitoring system. Cost: $13,000. Approved.
- Add screen wall at Maintenance building. Cost: $24,000. Approved.
- Modify Delta office space. Cost: not to exceed $10,000. Approved.
- Miscellaneous small changes. Cost: $50,417.06. Approved.
Phoenix Change Orders/Retainage:
- Modification to Airfield Lighting Control Systems (ALCS) Cost: $34,706. Approved.
- Relocation of project security fencing. Cost: $37,920 (this action will also alleviate the need for a special ditch crossing that would cost $75,000). Approved.
- Modification to Main Access Road Storm Drainage Systems. Cost: $37,469.99. Approved.
- Runway Extension: Will allow for the addition of the 1600 ft. RW 16-34 extension to the Phoenix contract. Also will include the costs for constructing the stubouts for Taxiways J & K for future tie-in to RW 3-21. Cost: $3,425,356.75. Approved (Pending final FAA approval for the 1600 foot extension).
- Turf Establishment modifications: Recommends placing sod in critical areas along edges of pavement, as well as in specific ditch bottoms which lead to Pond C. Temporary Erosion Mat would be placed on the slope face adjacent to the Runway 16-34 Safety Area, on the slopes surrounding Pond C and on several other critical slopes. Estimated quantities to be used: 73,000 sy of Bermuda Sod - 170,000 sy of Temporary Erosion Mat. Cost: Not to exceed $500,000. Approved.
- Retainage: Retainage was not held on the first 16 invoices under the Site Development and Paving contract. Starting with invoice 17, a 5% retainage was withheld and 5% will continue to be withheld until completion of the project. Approved.
KBR Change Order:
- Increase to the project material testing budget. Cost: $109,100. Approved.
Gulf Power Change Order:
- Add 350’ of 3—1/0 AI UG primary.
- Add 180’ of 3—1/0 AI UG primary.
- Install the 24”X36” splice boxes serving the NAVAIDS along the roadways.
- Complete 1/0 AI UG primary along the general aviation section of the loop road.
- Total Cost: $76,967. Approved.
New Airport Name:
The board was asked to be thinking about a name for the new airport because it will be on the agenda at the next meeting on September 22, 2009. Staff will provide a list of suggestions compiled from input from the City of Panama City, Bay County, Staff and the public.
Naming New Airport Streets and Roads:
There are five streets at the new airport that will require naming. This action item will be on the agenda for the next board meeting on September 22, 2009 at 10 am.