I agree with that statement of airport authority vice chairman, Bill Cramer -- the new name is too "one-dimensional." I've said it all along with the group, THE Beach. That name rules out all things north of the beaches, which includes much more property than the beach areas. With the West Bay Sector's growth, I'm sure many people in the future will be questioning the name as well. In my opinion, from a marketing standpoint, the new name is still waaaayyyyy too long to roll off the tongue with ease.
I agree about the length of the name. I guess they had to stick "beaches" in there to differentiate from the existing Northwest Florida Airport. I suppose through common usage it will be shortened to Northwest Florida International which is still a mouthful.
I understand your concern about marketing efforts focusing on the beaches and ignoring the inland areas but the reality is the beaches are the draw and 99% (I'm guessing) of visitors never venture more than a few miles from the coast. Being more generic is not going to make anyone want to go to Florida Caverns State Park or the Possum Festival. People who visit here and have a little extra time might want to explore other areas but they are likely going to get their information when they get here.
Their view from the air and driving back and forth from the new airport to their rental spot will confirm to them that the areas off the beach is undeveloped wilderness.