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Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
Walton hears pitch to appoint schools superintendent
By KATIE TAMMEN / Daily News Published: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 17:34 PM.

DeFUNIAK SPRINGS — Walton County residents soon might have the opportunity to vote on how the superintendent of schools is selected. During a presentation to the Walton County School Board on Tuesday, the Walton County Taxpayers Association requested the board consider changing the position from elected to appointed.

The shift would have to go before the Walton County Commission and then to voters at the end of Superintendent Carlene Anderson’s four-year term in 2016 before any change takes place. “This item is not really a bad decision,” Anderson said at the beginning of the discussion. “Something to consider.”

Right now, the superintendent doesn’t need to have more than a high school education or even be a resident until after he or she is elected, Anderson said. On the other hand, all district supervisors, principals and assistant principals must have at least a master’s degree.

Taxpayers Association President Don Riley said that fewer than 150 of the 17,000 school districts nationwide have elected superintendents. He said that limits the pool of applicants in small counties like Walton. “This is a public post and the public is entitled to the best candidate available,” Riley said.

Bob Hudson, the association’s executive director, said the group believes the decision should be left to the voters. “I’m sure there will be a lot of discussion on both sides of the issue,” Hudson said.
The board ultimately voted 4 to 1 to prepare a resolution to be voted on later. Gail Smith voted no.

That came after Anderson announcement that this will be her final term. “Twelve years as a superintendent is more than blessed,” Anderson said. “I’ll give my goodbye speech later.”


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Later in the discussion, Anderson remarked that the citizens of Walton County wouldn't be amenable to changing from an elected to an appointed superintendent, because that is how we do it here. Board member Smith reported her research showed it would cost more. They were the only 2 in the room who had a negative opinion of changing.

Yes, there will be some challenges in the transition, but nothing insurmountable, especially if the end goal is our school district gains excellent leaders and stability.

When the only requirement for a Walton County superintendent to serve is a high school diploma and more votes than the other candidates, it is clear we need to set the bar higher. Much higher. Think of the quality candidates that can apply for the job!!


Beach Comber
Feb 10, 2014
I am in agreeance with changing the office of Superintendent to an appointed position if the end result yields in positive changes for both students and teachers of Walton County. If this modification comes with a higher price tag, so be it. This transformation will be well worth the expenditure.

kayti elliott

Beach Lover
Feb 19, 2014
Where lived before coming here, the superintendent of schools was hired and had a doctorate. He was also from another state.


Dec 15, 2011
“Twelve years as a superintendent is more than blessed,” Anderson said. “I’ll give my goodbye speech later.”

Those "blessings" should have applied to the children of this county Ms. Anderson.

Save US the "good bye" speech.... 12 years of self-aggrandizing is more than plenty.

From an old English proverb; Don't let the door hit you...


Dec 15, 2011
That ought to make you feel like you have just been raped!

Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
That ought to make you feel like you have just been raped!

You get what you pay for in most cases.

My point is the numbers quoted by Mrs Smith were greatly different when you look at the two districts of comparable size.

We pay a base salary per student of $13.72 in Walton

The two similar sized districts were $16.63 per student and $17.02
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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
The only citizens who would benefit by continuing to elect the superintendent would be those planning to run, and those planning on being hired at the district office if their candidate/friend/family member wins. ;)

This change might derail the future job plans of a few, but will be a benefit to everyone.
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