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Beach Fanatic
Mar 16, 2014
Lost in the world
I can't imagine it's a long list of CPAs who want to live/work in DeFUNKiak. Even living at the beach and driving there every day isn't very appealing.

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
Especially since a good one (CPA) would ultimately uncover some additional financial mismanagement and then want to report it, but be told not to, then face a moral dilemma, ultimately making the wrong decision of silence or trying to run damage control and then its back to the same old same old in Walton County.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
That's what I thought. How lucky Ms Anderson was to be able to find the most qualified person for the job in a matter of days. Plenty if time for thorough interviewing of candidates, reference checks, background checks, narrowing down the list to those you want to call back for second interviews. All that while working around conflicting schedules of two busy professionals. Man I wish I was that lucky in my hiring efforts. Think she would teach a seminar?

Matt J

May 9, 2007
That's what I thought. How lucky Ms Anderson was to be able to find the most qualified person for the job in a matter of days. Plenty if time for thorough interviewing of candidates, reference checks, background checks, narrowing down the list to those you want to call back for second interviews. All that while working around conflicting schedules of two busy professionals. Man I wish I was that lucky in my hiring efforts. Think she would teach a seminar?

So what's your solution?


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
It wasn't days. This has been going on about a month, smack in the middle of budget issues. I'm going to be optimistic and hope the new CFO is up to the challenge. Finding a new CFO ASAP was very important.

Whatever the outcome of the referendum, we have definitely upset the apple cart, and many more people are watching the school system. Closely.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
So what's your solution?

Oh, I don't know, Local. I was thinking it would be great to be assured through board policy that certain standards were met not just for who was hired, but the standards regarding the process to acquire and review resumes, etc. I believe in the "once bitten, twice shy" philosophy. The system hired an unqualified person in the past and apparently no one noticed until it was too late. I am hoping a process is in place to prevent that from happening in the future. I don't want us to say..., well, she was a CPA, but why didn't we know, ....... ....,.. I want to be very clear. I am not suggesting the knew hire has done anything wrong in the past or questioning her character. I am saying, it would be good to know a rigorous process is strictly followed.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
One step at a time...... And it starts with YES voting to start hiring the superintendent. Which made me think of yet ANOTHER reason to have the superintendent hired instead of elected- if hired, the board and superintendent are essentially on the same "team". As a parent of a child in school, I want the "boss " focused on the schools and education, and everyone be team players. The current system is anything but a team- this isn't the US government, we don't need checks and balances, which has become a negative in the school situation. We need to have a NORMAL system, where the educational leader is hired based on qualifications. The superintendent of a school system should NOT be a politician- especially in a place like Walton County, where a very vocal minority makes any campaign a nightmare and surely will keep any sane qualified person from running for school superintendent (it has, along with great people who would have been great commissioners and school board members). Look no further than the arguments made by the opposition to this referendum, and attacks on candidates in other races. I want my teachers' boss to be doing the job he /she was hired to do, not having to spend time on fending off political blows during election campaigns AND during the term. The current system is a time and energy suck for any person in that position. My kid deserves better.
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Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
I want to issue a challenge. The "NO" contingent has not posted one word here on why we should elect a superintendent over appointing one. I, and others, know they read SoWal posts. If you have reasons other than it is a "Liberal" attempt to take over the school system, which is ridiculous, please enlighten us and the public in general. The "YES" group has been very clear in deliniating why the position should be selected through required qualifications by the school board. What are your reasons for "electing". Early voting starts Aug. 16th.
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