Lets see, PRIVATE beaches, stealing PUBLIC beach accesses, beach CLOSED to kids at dusk, CRAZY traffic all around the 30A area, HUGE political BANNERS right on scenic {?} 30A, RAMPANT development {Thanks Joe} all over the area.Wow! Visitor since late 1980s. Staying on 30A since 1998. We have 2 visits planned this year but that's it. It's been a good run but no more. Maybe far west PCB or Pensacola Beach. St. Joe area? Sorry for all the locals. Ellen
What could possibly go wrong?
ALOT of regular tourist are going to see all this and just totally avoid this entire area. I have already been seeing a lot of folks commenting on how badly they were treated while just trying to enjoy the beach with their family, and saying
they will not return here. See Ellens post.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.