..and we will get the worst of both PC and Destin coming to 30a by default. Ft Lauderdale and Daytona finally got the message about out of control spring breakers, got tough and adjusted their message to encourage more family oriented activities. See the thread about "golf carts on 30a" and others on this forum to get some insight into the mind-set of too many of the kids increasingly coming here ( lack of respect and entitlement mentalities probably gotten from their parents). Here's an idea - how about some pro-active TDC advertising aimed at outlining some of the enforcement to be expected and the results of the previous years arrest record through the social media outlets that these kids favor? The SWSO is doing a great job this year but IMO should be redoubled next year. This is the type of uses I would support putting more tax money into( as opposed to videos, songs, new gov't buildings, etc).