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Beach Lover
Jul 11, 2005
was new info to me last year...

Thanks WO for the bite and sting relief recipe. Does anyone know of something that can be applied to prevent them from stinging?
the rascals LOVE me---I was looking for relief and a neighbor suggested rubbing down with dryer sheets (that stop clinging). Sounded strange, but, worked great for me!


SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
I'll try the remedy from Lori's interesting post - thanks, Lori - and see if it works any better than Campho-Phenique, which is what I settled on after trying lots and lots of things. It is available in jel form in a little tube that you can stick in your pocket if you are not going to be near your frig or your medicine cabinet.
Lynnie, I have my own theory too. Has more to do with a wet spring and hurricanes, but a wet spring in theory should make for an easier yellow fly season. I have heard deluges like we had this spring wash many of their eggs into the creeks and wetlands and reduce the number that hatch. Well, we shall see.........:cool:

Keep me posted on what you notice. Am hoping for no storms and I think the major indicator will be turtle nests. I haven't checked, but I think the Farmer's Almanac only predicts a small storm in Sept.......has anyone checked that, yet?


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
People also suggest dryer sheets for mosquitos - I am human catnip to 'skeeters and yellow flies, so I can go outside covered in Deet and w/ dryer sheets tucked in my bra straps and still get stung in scar tissue over a tendon. :sosad:

My remedy of choice (because of how strongly I react) for yellers is prescription topical cortisone cream, but an ice pack is a good 2nd to numb it and keep the swelling down. Benadryl can also help, but not a good idea if you have been drinking or if it keeps you awake.

FYI - mosquito control will bring each residence a free yellowfly ball and hang it.
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