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Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
Given the track record of our local officials, the number of lawsuits for sunshine violations and conflict of interests pending, and Florida's #1 ranking for corruption I don't think these questions are out of line.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Given the track record of our local officials, the number of lawsuits for sunshine violations and conflict of interests pending, and Florida's #1 ranking for corruption I don't think these questions are out of line.

I was getting ready to say the same thing. Patterns emerge quite frequently around here, and thankfully there are people in the community who sit up and take notice. Just because someone runs for public office does not make them immune from being held accountable for their actions- public service is not a shield.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Don't forget the TDC/BCC meeting tonight- 5 pm, South Walton annex.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Normally I would post a roundup of the meeting, but I have to say, I don't know what to say. What a train wreck- I have never seen a group of officials more out of touch with the real issue at hand and their community. Lots of very informed, intelligent locals at the meeting tonight. Maybe I will have clarity over coffee in the morning, but I am afraid I will wake up and be more ticked that I am right now, if possible. Thanks to everyone who came out and spoke.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 16, 2008
WZEP report -

Many residents feel the process to determine the TDC building needs, has the cart before the horse. The residents were at a joint meeting between the Walton Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council Board. As the needs assessment report was presented, many in the audience felt the public should have more input into what they want in a TDC Visitor Center.

Commissioner Larry Jones began by stating his reason for the joint meeting. He said, speaking for himself, there is sufficient opportunity for the public process as they begin. According to Jones, the intent is to have an open forum as the process moves forward. He said the meeting is the beginning on a journey as they make the TDC the best it can be for Walton.

DAG Architect Patrick Ballasch said they were asked to look at the facility; including basic items such as parking, access, ADA compliance and air quality issues. He said they have no agenda other than to assess the health of the building and if it is being used as it was designed. He said they are already deficient in the amount of parking spaces on site. The facility sits over the retention pond to give more room on the small parcell. He said finding additional property next to the current facility is needed, but the surrounding property is mainly wetland and State forest.

The facility is also a welcome center. Ballasch said RV traffic is popular and there is only one space for RV’s. As far as access, the recent road improvements make it so you can not turn directly off the highway. U.S. 331 is now six lanes wide at the intersection with 98. This means someone going to the site has to head west on 98, turn around, then head back. When they leave, they have to head back north and turn around to get back to 98. He said there are a lot of people who park at the store across the street and walk to the TDC. Ballasch said this is not safe.

ADA issues are another problem. Ballasch said there are aspects to the facility that do not meet the current Federal standard. Ballasch did agree they could be corrected with remodeling. Under the Florida Building Code and Life Safety issues, he talked about the second story. It was originally designed for storage but office space has been put there. There is no elevator and if there was a fire, there is only one stairway out that was not designed as a fire stairwell. Air quality is still another problem with a much higher than normal amount of outside air coming in. Ballasch noted the building is over a pond and the building was not built with a vapor barrier underneath. This means moisture and outside air creating a potential for mold and mildew.

Commissioner Scott Brannon asked if they could build up. Ballasch said yes, but there is still a problem with parking. Commissioner Cecilia Jones said she sees the main problem as access from 331. Ballish agreed, saying any other business could handle it, but many who come to the TDC building are coming for the first time. Brannon asked about expanding into the surrounding property. Ballasch said the soil is very poor and they would have to mitigate for the land.

The residents attending a joint Walton Commissioner Tourist Development Council meeting are not happy with the process looking at the TDC facility needs. The residents question how much of a visitor center is needed and if there should be a single site, a split site or a main site with multiple smaller locations.

Patrick Ballasch with DAG did the needs study. He told the Board and TDC Council they look at what is the standard for the employee chart. This takes a look at the positions at the TDC and what is normally needed for that type of position. This also takes into account the needs for meeting space. Ballasch said there are standards that are pretty much followed throughout the state. Then they factor in the needs for data, mechanical and circulation. This gives a number of square feet. He said there is a need for about 12000 square feet of heated and cooled space with around 2000 square feet of that for the visitor area. The current building is just shy of 9000 square feet. Ballasch also said the number includes built in growth. He said around 34% of the current usage is either unusable or used for circulation. TDC Director Dawn Moliterno asked Ballasch to compare the area for displays. He said they are behind the curve in the amount of display area and electronic services. He said many visitor centers also have a place for kids and a place for animals.

Resident Donna Ammond asked how much land would be needed for the 12000 square foot building, parking and kids/animals features. Currently there are 32 spaces, but under codes over 40 would be required. Ballasch told the two boards it is not just how many spaces are required, but how many are needed. He said other similar centers have around 100 spaces, plus seven RV spaces. Bob Hudson asked about splitting the facility and using the current one for staff and building another for a visitor center. Both Boards mentioned there are indeed other ways to look at the operation, but also cautioned about splitting up staff. Commissioner Larry Jones said they are just starting and should look at the possibilities.

TDC Director Dawn Moliterno said the number one complaint is vehicle access to the center. She explained the FDOT was asked for a cut but refused. The traffic count has decreased. Moliterno said the lease requires the building to specifically be used for a visitor center or it has to go back to Forestry. Forestry has indicated they might want the building for offices. She said the needs of Forestry would be different than that of the TDC center.

The session talk turned to involving the public. Brenda Reese said she feels the public has not been involved as much as they could have been. The audience was told the meetings are open and the agenda is published. It was also said the public is not excluded and is invited the be at the meetings and chat. Anita Page said she thinks the shift from monthly to quarterly TDC meetings with special meetings added is a problem. She said the notices have not always been timely and it has been more difficult to keep up with the meetings. Commissioner Scott Brannon agreed that there is opportunity to improve. Moliterno agreed the wording about what will be discussed at a meeting is not always clear and they are already making changes to provide more information.

As the commissioners began to decide what the next, or perhaps first step would be, TDC member Hilliard suggested holding some sort of charrette or visioning session. The commissioners accepted a recommendation from the TDC Board to seek proposals for someone to conduct the charrette or visioning session.

Moliterno noted that everything about the process is on their website, www.visitsouthwalton.org.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Thank you Dawn. I understand that there were some very good public comments about the need to look at the purpose and focus of the TDC, and the need for a single-destination visitor center. There a couple of interesting comments made from the "front table" that I would like to comment on- that show how disconnected the decision makers are to the reality of our visitors and their habits.

Mr. Ballasch, of DAG Architects, when discussing the needs assessment, said that they looked at markets around South Walton "because Orange Beach and Panama City Beach visitors are similar to South Walton visitors". That drew a LOT of raised eyebrows and snorts.

Mr. Russell, of the TDC Board, spoke in marketing terms, and discussed the importance of touchpoints (the point of customer contact). He said that a visitor center is very important because of this concept, because we have to have a big destination center to "touch" all these visitors that would theoretically be coming through the door. OK Mr. Russell, the TDC can touch the small percentage of visitors that will somehow stumble into the center. Here is the reality: most of our visitors have planned their vacation months in advance, they are anxious to get to their rental house/condo, they are crazed to get to the grocery store- because they want to get settled and get to the BEACH, not a visitor center. The majority will haul ass right past even the most extravagant and wonderful building, because they don't want to use the restroom and walk their dog when they are 10 minutes from check in. They will at some point look at the material in their rental packet, and would see a lot more info if it was available in places where the majority of tourists go- like the beach, grocery store, and special events.

We need to "catch" our visitors way before they get to a visitor center, and for the ones booking down 331, a few digital bulletin boards, with flags, event info, a sign with the web address/Iphone app with the flashing words "area info" or similar would be perfect. "Oh," says the mom in the passenger seat. "Hand me my phone, let's see where to eat dinner tonight" or "Yolo looks fun. Where can I rent boards". You get the picture.

And all the nice welcoming people staffing the visitor center can wave at them as they blow by on the way to check in.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 21, 2008
I'm still wondering, with no answer, what ever happened to the "workshops" that were supposed to take place that involved the public????????? Was i just dreaming??? Jdarg, you are right on the money with your assessment of what tourists want to do when they get here. Who is a better judge of that than those of us who were tourists and are now residents? When we used to visit and drive down 331, i would just look over at the TDC building and smile at the 3 umbrella logo but that was about it. Wanted to get to the condo, grocery store and beach...period! Considering the fact that I am now forced to travel 20 miles an hour down 30a where the speed limit is 45 mph, I'm not cheering on more tourists. Some additional are fine for the slow months but please, no more here now!!


Beach Fanatic
Jan 21, 2008
Given the track record of our local officials, the number of lawsuits for sunshine violations and conflict of interests pending, and Florida's #1 ranking for corruption I don't think these questions are out of line.

Our local government is an embarrassment at this point. My husband asked me why are scott brannon and dawn moliterno permitted to still make decisions for our county when they are apparently being investigated by the Feds! I said we still don't have a definitive answer about whether they are being investigated or not. we can assume they are since the judge permitted them to slink out of being deposed. an unbelievable mess. I just hope Walton County taxpayers really take the time to learn about their candidates for office and vote prudently.


Beach Lover
Apr 13, 2010
Be in DFS at the courthouse at 2:30 this afternoon for kickoff of trial proceedings in Harris vs Brannon and Moliterno. Perhaps the tone deafness of the leadership on display last night will get a little jolt this afternoon.

And all brawlers need to be in direct communication with each BCC member on a continuing basis to emphasize repeatedly that there are community insights which surpass by a wide margin those of the BCC and the TDC and which insights are to be heard in a series of public workshops. The supposed pros have failed us. Time to get this straightened out now before they ignore the wants and needs of the citizenry once again.
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