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Dec 15, 2011
I agree with you misty...dragging people's children into the mix just because their parents are involved isn't right. I'm so glad that you finally see that. Regardless of who those children are they have no more control over their parents actions than anyone else

Again, the difference between myself and C. Jones is that I am a private citizen. I did not drag C. Jones son into this and don't recall who brought it here to start with but the fact is, he is a vendor and C. Jones should not be voting on anything related to vendor issues and if elected neither should T. Anderson. Even if I were an elected official what I vote on and what my child does for a living is so far removed from this county and even this state it, wouldn't be an issue.

Phil Good

Beach Lover
Jun 17, 2016
Blue Mountain
What does LNR (my daughter) have to do with Phony Tony and who is suddenly funding his new political lifestyle?

LNR does not live or vote in Walton County. In fact, she doesn't even live in the State of Florida. That you have decided to drag my daughter into this is unreal.
You are absolutely clueless. What "new" lifestyle is Tony living?


Beach Lover
May 23, 2016
South of the bay
If I'm not mistaken c. Jones is not allowed to vote on vending issues but can offer her input. That's kinda like me trying to talk sensibly to you...i can talk till im blue in the face but that doesn't mean your going to act how I want you to...it's the same with the board when it's time to vote. But whatever..I'm not starting this 2 step with you again.


Dec 15, 2011
If I'm not mistaken c. Jones is not allowed to vote on vending issues but can offer her input. That's kinda like me trying to talk sensibly to you...i can talk till im blue in the face but that doesn't mean your going to act how I want you to...it's the same with the board when it's time to vote. But whatever..I'm not starting this 2 step with you again.

It's my opinion that Customary use and the vendor issues are directly related.


Beach Lover
May 23, 2016
South of the bay
So in your opinion how would customary use benefit her son and his vending business? I'm not being a smartass at all and genuinely want to understand your position on this.

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
It's my opinion that Customary use and the vendor issues are directly related.
I agree

A few years ago none of these issues existed.

We had a major influx of new tourists, many more than the area is and has been accustomed to.

That increase in people and NO increase is beach space and basically no new infrastructure caused overcrowding.

Beach issues were pushed further to the east and west, as tourists look for space.

Some of those tourists were rude and disrespectful to the property they relocated to (some of it actually Private).

This started to upset some owners, but there WAS a level of tolerance.

Almost overnight the vending on the beach exploded with multiple problems and confrontations (remember the Grayton Wedding Brawl with a knife)?

Some vendors tightened up their ship and don't cause problems. Others have become more aggressive and continue to give the beach vendor industry a bad name and negative perception by a significant amount t of residents and tourists.

The actions of a few continue to have people paint with a large brush and it gives those who want to comply and help solve the vendor issues a bad name as a few vendors will ruin it for the rest.

Customary Use is a direct result of beach front owners having enough of out of control tourists and vendors and having to put up signs and barriers.

Does any other community in the entire State of Florida have this problem?


Dec 15, 2011
So in your opinion how would customary use benefit her son and his vending business? I'm not being a smartass at all and genuinely want to understand your position on this.

I think the better question to have asked is, how it has already benefited all beach vendors?

Where else in the US does a County Board of Commissioners literally give away 50% of public land for free (charge no rent, collect only permitting fees) and take from its citizens and give what doesn't belong to them to a private entity?

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I promise you they are not and that's why it "appears" that everyone is chasing their tails trying to figure out who is behind those adds. (I admit, at first I believed that also.) You are going in the wrong direction.

The truth of who is actually behind them does explain why Bill Imfield and Bill Chapman were unsuccessful in their bid to get the State Attorney to investigate Our Generation. It also explains why Tony Anderson was never targeted in those ads.

The state attorney isn't investigating because legally Our Generation has done nothing wrong.

They are a 501c (4) and operate as such. They may be horribly distasteful, but they haven't done anything illegal.

To be clear I don't like that organization and feel it's the darkest entity to operate in Walton politics ever. Yes, I know who Quinn McMillan was.


Dec 15, 2011
The state attorney isn't investigating because legally Our Generation has done nothing wrong.

They are a 501c (4) and operate as such. They may be horribly distasteful, but they haven't done anything illegal.

To be clear I don't like that organization and feel it's the darkest entity to operate in Walton politics ever. Yes, I know who Quinn McMillan was.

Totally agree Matt.
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