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Dec 15, 2011
Let me promise you something...Our Generation's local handlers are in Puppet Tony's corner.

I promise you they are not and that's why it "appears" that everyone is chasing their tails trying to figure out who is behind those adds. (I admit, at first I believed that also.) You are going in the wrong direction.

The truth of who is actually behind them does explain why Bill Imfield and Bill Chapman were unsuccessful in their bid to get the State Attorney to investigate Our Generation. It also explains why Tony Anderson was never targeted in those ads.


Dec 15, 2011
However pointing out someone doesn't own a home is reaching and makes you look small in my opinion.

Stick to the issues and the hard questions. Name calling is immature and helps nothing.

Mr. Anderson was living in DFS , drawing disability payments from an accident he was involved as a mail carrier prior to moving or being planted in his current, more expensive living accommodations in SoWal. Bob Hudson posted his net worth elsewhere along with what little Anderson admitted to in his campaign finance report. It is what is NOT there that begs the question, how do you go from being disabled, barely being able to pay your bills to running a campaign (from the SOE website) that boasts of $105,679.00? It also begs the question of just how disabled T. Anderson actually is/was? Even at 100% disability the job as County Commissioner pays substantially more than the disability and he would lose it if elected. He got well rather quickly didn't he??

Bob Hudson also pointed out that there was 1 lien against T. Anderson on an automobile. I assure you it is not the newer model car he is currently driving. Since he obviously has not been elected yet and doesn't have the income of a Commissioner its rather redundant to ask how that along with the new digs, not to mention all the appearances, the new clothes, the nights out, the nice dinners, are being paid for on disability and/or retirement.

It's no "small" matter. They are HUGE RED FLAGS.
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Beach Lover
Mar 29, 2008
Someone has put the call out to the younger folks to get log ins for SoWal and have cute pics for their ID.

It looks like turning SoWal into Dayton Beach is on the agenda...

30a will systematically be destroyed.

Vendors are the #1 problem our beaches face.

Solve that problem and the others (Customary Use, Enforcement, etc.), Become much more manageable.

Personally, I like the way things were in the 80s & 90s round here. I realize change is a constant, but regulated change isn't that bad, especially round these parts. We need it.

Very divisive issues. Very bad outcomes.
What ever you say krika!!!! Go back to the 80's and 90's and all your tourism jobs are gone and you have nothing then


Beach Fanatic
Jul 19, 2008
30a will systematically be destroyed.

Some would say that began with the development of Seaside.
Not necessarily I. Although, large mansion homes on small lots wouldn't be my 1st choice.

Let's face it. 30A is the panhandle's "Malibu". The place has been purposely marketed to attract new money. And that new money likes to go large or go home...and they ain't goin' home. Every build able square inch will be developed. Then every square inch will be redeveloped.
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Beach Fanatic
Oct 16, 2008
Some would say that began with the development of Seaside.
Not necessarily I. Although, large mansion homes on small lots wouldn't be my 1st choice.

Let's face it. 30A is the panhandle's "Malibu". The place has been purposely marketed to attract new money. And that new money likes to go large or go home...and they ain't goin' home. Every build able square inch will be developed. Then every square inch will be redeveloped.
More like Cinque Terra - -- -- - - "Walton Riviera"


Dec 15, 2011
Ya'll need to do a little more research on Tony. I need to know what he had for dinner last night. Hey Lynda, how is LNR these days?

What does LNR (my daughter) have to do with Phony Tony and who is suddenly funding his new political lifestyle?

LNR does not live or vote in Walton County. In fact, she doesn't even live in the State of Florida. That you have decided to drag my daughter into this is unreal.


Dec 15, 2011
Someone has put the call out to the younger folks to get log ins for SoWal and have cute pics for their ID.

Yes John G, you're correct. Younger folks who went to school with my daughter. "earl" obviously knows someone near and dear to you also.


Beach Lover
May 23, 2016
South of the bay
I agree with you misty...dragging people's children into the mix just because their parents are involved isn't right. I'm so glad that you finally see that. Regardless of who those children are they have no more control over their parents actions than anyone else
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