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Cork On the Ocean

directionally challenged
Touchee, Luvthebeach! 30A embodies a spirit that draws me and keeps me here. The spirit of nature lovers, free-thinkers, free-spirits, kindness, comradery and acceptance. I'm a local but this isn't "my" special paradise and I have no right to disrespect others - visitors or otherwise. If I'm unhappy with my situation, I don't complain about it, I change it. I can only trust that those who can appreciate the spirit of 30A will return and those who don't appreciate the spirit will move on to another place that embodies their ideals.

Regarding education and any implied superiority. When we measure what's truly important, intelligence is irrelevant. In the words of Jewel - Only kindness matters. ;-)


Beach Fanatic
Mar 7, 2005
Cork On the Ocean said:
Touchee, Luvthebeach! 30A embodies a spirit that draws me and keeps me here. The spirit of nature lovers, free-thinkers, free-spirits, kindness, comradery and acceptance. I'm a local but this isn't "my" special paradise and I have no right to disrespect others - visitors or otherwise. If I'm unhappy with my situation, I don't complain about it, I change it. I can only trust that those who can appreciate the spirit of 30A will return and those who don't appreciate the spirit will move on to another place that embodies their ideals.

Regarding education and any implied superiority. When we measure what's truly important, intelligence is irrelevant. In the words of Jewel - Only kindness matters. ;-)
God bless you.

Cork On the Ocean

directionally challenged
Phd: It was quite a scare for all of us. I'm sorry that you had damage and I hope your husband is recovering nicely. I'm a licensed pharmacist and used to make the IV solutions for the open hearts. I know how traumatic it is. I hope that you are able to enjoy every day that you have together and that you have many more. Take care


Beach Comber
Jun 15, 2005
Everyone has problems, some even more so than certain known complainers on this list. I can't imagine using that as an excuse to get upset that people dared to relax and vacation while an adjacent homeowner prepared for the storm. Many of us in the area who read that are embarassed and chagrined by that person's selfish attitude, It does not reflect the 30-A spirit, and we would like guests and forum visitors to know that we distance ourselves from those kinds of remarks.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 21, 2005
thumper said:
Everyone has problems, some even more so than certain known complainers on this list. I can't imagine using that as an excuse to get upset that people dared to relax and vacation while an adjacent homeowner prepared for the storm. Many of us in the area who read that are embarassed and chagrined by that person's selfish attitude, It does not reflect the 30-A spirit, and we would like guests and forum visitors to know that we distance ourselves from those kinds of remarks.

...and that's exactly what I was trying to say, only I used way too many words! Thanks, Thumper, for putting it in a nutshell :D


Beach Fanatic
Mar 7, 2005
I have already apologized for my comments. Who hasn't made statements at a time of stress that they regret later?

I will admit that I will never not be upset by guests who stay in my home and remove items or damage them beyond normal wear and tear. But I am happy that I can share my home with those who appreciate it.

Some of you may remember that last year after Ivan, I voluntarily organized all of the posts regarding damage (or lack of such) by location so that members of this message board wouldn't have to read a kajillion posts to check on their property. I am really a nice person. Please quit attacking me.

Cork On the Ocean

directionally challenged
As I said previously, luvthebeach made the point quite eloquently - We need those vacationers to help us pay for our homes, we choose to live here and boarding up is a part of it. Phd was scared, she was stressed. We all say things we wish that we could take back. She's apologized. Continuing the bashing serves no positive purpose. Many of our guests have been great in expressing their understanding and compassion for the locals in many posts on the board so I think they understand the stress that we were all under. We're human beings.

The path now is to band together and support each other not to bicker among ourselves. Let's go clean up the beach and hopefully we'll all be like those vacationers, enjoying the beach once again.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 21, 2005
Cork On the Ocean said:
As I said previously, luvthebeach made the point quite eloquently - We need those vacationers to help us pay for our homes, we choose to live here and boarding up is a part of it. Phd was scared, she was stressed. We all say things we wish that we could take back. She's apologized. Continuing the bashing serves no positive purpose. Many of our guests have been great in expressing their understanding and compassion for the locals in many posts on the board so I think they understand the stress that we were all under. We're human beings.

The path now is to band together and support each other not to bicker among ourselves. Let's go clean up the beach and hopefully we'll all be like those vacationers, enjoying the beach once again.

I agree, Cork. Phdphay, I understand that you were stressed. I was sticking up for the underdog in your message (the visitors). I'm sorry I came out so strongly; guess it just hit a nerve because I was a visitor for many years before becoming an owner. I appreciate all the good advice and info available on this site, and I agree that bickering amongst us is beneficial to none. Let's hope Dennis is the last storm we have to deal with for a long time. We all deserve to be able to get out there and relax!


Beach Fanatic
Nov 17, 2004
off the beach
phdphay said:
I have already apologized for my comments. Who hasn't made statements at a time of stress that they regret later?

I will admit that I will never not be upset by guests who stay in my home and remove items or damage them beyond normal wear and tear. But I am happy that I can share my home with those who appreciate it.

Some of you may remember that last year after Ivan, I voluntarily organized all of the posts regarding damage (or lack of such) by location so that members of this message board wouldn't have to read a kajillion posts to check on their property. I am really a nice person. Please quit attacking me.

No offense really and I'm not attacking you. But judging from your posts to this point, you seem to have classic bipolar disorder. I hope I'm wrong and you will prove me to be so in all of your future postings.

At the very least, maybe you can remove the gator avatar, so as not to perpetuate the arrogant "SOS-style" stereotype of Gator fans. Or not - if you enjoy doing so.

Cork On the Ocean

directionally challenged
Fox - BE NICE! I'm a gator! No judgements, no stereotypes, just acceptance and example.

Let he without sin cast the first stone
A man who sees a speck in the eye of his brother has a board in his own mind
etc. etc.

I do agree that the avatar infers agression but again, it doesn't say that she's arrogant to me, maybe she's a football fan and just proud of her alma mater.

The Bipolar comment appears attacking and offensive. Dont know whether you meant it that way or not but it wasn't nice and I personally don't feel it's my place to judge anybody.
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