To Phdphay
I believe you are being overly sensitive and angry at the very folks who provide you with the rental income to allow you to have a place that many folks would give their eye teeth for. Many of us who are lucky enough to have places here in South Walton depend on the very people you disrespected in your initial message; apparently you depend on them as well, or you wouldn't be renting out your property. I believe in treating everyone with equal respect, whether they are locals or visitors to the area. How do you know that those "vacationers" who you were irritated at for sunning themselves while you were boarding up your home weren't themselves recovering from a serious illness, etc.?
The comment that made me feel the need to reply was the thing you said about having had to go hungry so you could have the education/college degree to earn enough money to have a place near the beach. The insituation was that if our "guests" were as educated as you, they would be able to afford a place down here instead of having to rent. I thank God that I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to graduate from a wonderful university and enjoy a wonderful job. However, many of those who rent your property I'm sure are as educated, or more educated, than you or I. They just choose to visit rather than own. Education has nothing to do with having the ability to be a homeowner down here or anywhere else. And when I see vacationers enjoying themselves on the beach or by the pool, it makes me happy that I've decided to open my home to them.
By the way, we hired a service to board up our home. You may want to have a company or two in the back of your mind in case there is a next time (hopefully there won't be!) We are all growing weary of the storms, but we're here to stay! And we're more than happy to rent our place to others when we're not down here enjoying it ourselves!
That's all I'm going to say about this. This forum is a wonderful opportunity to meet new folks and discuss our beautiful areas, share ideas, etc. I just hate to see anyone disrespected.