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Matt J

May 9, 2007
It seems a little over the top on the fee, wasn't this previously designed and then line item vetoed by the governor?

In addition what is the lifespan of this project in terms of use? Everything Preble-Rish seems to be designed to last a shorter and shorter time frame. I'd prefer things be designed and built for a longer term than their rubber stamp 20 years.


Beach Lover
Dec 31, 2012
We are part-timers with a house in the Santa Rosa area. However, we've been coming her since the early 90's, so it really is a second home. The issues outlined here are no different than back home in my neck-of-the-woods where we have a City that spends over $1mm for a train museum that had 32,000 visitors last year. The authorities claim the museum is good for $4mm worth of economic impact but could not verify the numbers. They simply parrot what the County Visitor's Bureau indicates the impact of Tourism to be. Nor could they determine if the visitors were locals, from the immediate area or from out of state. A simple amount of math suggests that 32,000 visitors spend an average of $125 per person on their visit. Virtually impossible because the only thing we have in our downtown is a burger joint, a pizza joint and another restaurant....Seems like the county officials here are"kissin' cousins" to our group.
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