I just dig the vibe and the quality. I get so sick of Florida cottage and wood rot. This place just feels right to me. I can not grasp the exact words but when I visit I think, "wow, now finally someone gets it." They are on another level of any other PUD in the area. I hope they have the strength to survive. I also strongly feel if they can hold out this will be one of if not the number one resort destination in the south east.
For anyone looking to rent the property that might be apealing, but why would anyone want to live full time in a location destined to become this?
For that matter, is Aly's really that great of an investment for full time living? I'm not sure what the cost of ownership is for a home there, but I imagine it has to be pretty high. Paid in full, I'd guess somewhere around 25K - 30K a year for one of the "average" homes in the back. (taxes on value, insurance, hoa fees, maintenance) Lets say you take your 650K and invest it in something that returns 8%. You're passing up 52K in income you could spend, vs a drain of 30K a year on other income, assuming you never recoup the equity gains.
You need money to burn to live like that, and I'm not so sure the quality of life (having lived on a resort now for nine years) is all that great either. It makes far better financial sense to purchase a less expensive house where your cost of ownership is less than the return you could make on the equity minus rent. Aly's and pretty much every other planned community down here don't fit that mold.
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