JDarg - Maybe I should join you and not try this whole bread thing! I just ate a slice of my first loaf. It was good on the inside, but the bottom of my loaf was really hard and a little burned. My son gobbled up a slice, so it can't be too bad, but I'd like to improve my bread making skills, if possible.
Any ideas on what I did wrong? I used a big Circulon pot to cook it in. I was going to use my big Corning casserole, but the glass top slipped off it as I was getting it out of the cabinet and shattered ALL over the kitchen floor. I'm sure we'll be finding slivers of glass for the next year.
Any ideas on what I did wrong? I used a big Circulon pot to cook it in. I was going to use my big Corning casserole, but the glass top slipped off it as I was getting it out of the cabinet and shattered ALL over the kitchen floor. I'm sure we'll be finding slivers of glass for the next year.