thanks for this recipe paula! I will try this for sure! nothing like a hot piece of homemade rustic italian bread, slathered with real butter!!! can't wait to give this a shot!!!
Toots, you will love it!!
thanks for this recipe paula! I will try this for sure! nothing like a hot piece of homemade rustic italian bread, slathered with real butter!!! can't wait to give this a shot!!!
And you can make it from bed, Tootsie, it's so easy. The dough can rise right next to your bed! And the men of the house can put the bread in the oven and take it out and bring it to you right out of the oven with some butter on the side.
i made the bread, and it was great. however, i have a couple of questions. how high did yours get? i did mine in a 7 qt pot - it did not seem to rise in any direction after i put it in the oven. it ended up being about 2 1/2 inches high at the center, and about 8 or 9 inches in diameter. does that sound right? i added fibersure in order to make it more weight watchers friendly. fibersure has never affected an outcome in anything i have added it to, but i really should have made a loaf per original instructions first before tinkering with it. could you let me know whether my outcome sounds right? the bread is WONDERFUL!! also - i would love to add olives to make the bread like that served at 331. how many? any special instructions? do i add them before the last 2 hour rise? thanks for the help. and for the recipe!