I dont think that they were slammed (from my 15 year previous bar/rest. experience) When I went to the bar to get a drink there was no wait, same when I ordered my food.
This is a great location for a bar but everytime I go there I feel like they are thinking here's another person to serve . I try to be polite to the servers and bartenders (being a good southern girl that I am;-) )and I feel I get no politeness back. There is one bartender in particular who I make a point to say "thank you", or "how are you doing" or "we had fun tonight" and I get nothing but a credit card slip to sign--that is it. Maybe if I frequented it on a weekly basis and they "knew" me it would be different but that is not the way a tipped based employee should be IMHO.
I have friends who love to go there when they come and visit us and this has been stricken off of the list. And to be honest, I dont think they really care.....JMHO
I think you're right, IBD. Wasn't this the same treatment we received in April? I thought maybe it was just an off night for the bartender...maybe the same guy....Then later, I just thought maybe they weren't having near as much funn as we were...then, I thought maybe...well, nevermind....I just remember thinking that I probably wouldn't go back either if given a choice.