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Beach Comber
Jun 30, 2005
As bad as I hate to, I am going to cancel our family vacation for the week after next (7/16-7/23). I would like to remain as optimistic as possible, but I can't be blind to the facts. This thing is going to hit near enough to SoWal that power outages and damage are going to create major problems,IMO. I don't know how to break it to my little girl, but I only get so much time away from work, and I have to make a decision now in order to make the proper arrangements. I will keep all of you locals in my prayers. Oh well, another year of slaving and stress, and just MAYBE we'll get to go next year.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 7, 2005
I don't have much sympathy for the tourists whose vacations have been canceled. While we worked our you-know-whats off boarding up in 90-something degree heat, the renters next door were lounging at the pool. Yes, someone's vacation might be ruined, but the owners risk losing their homes that, in our case at least, they worked a lifetime to acquire.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 19, 2005
The Peaceful Piney Woods.
phdphay said:
I don't have much sympathy for the tourists whose vacations have been canceled. While we worked our you-know-whats off boarding up in 90-something degree heat, the renters next door were lounging at the pool. Yes, someone's vacation might be ruined, but the owners risk losing their homes that, in our case at least, they worked a lifetime to acquire.

We're all praying that your property will be fine Fay. Thank goodness for insurance, too! My husband is looking into a position in the Fort Walton area, but we would definitely need to take hurricanes into consideration if we were to move. It's a risk of living/owning there, just as any area that deals with natural disaster. We can be thankful we aren't in California, where they deal not only with earthquakes, but mudslides and wild fires too. Hang in there, you will come through this!

Dawgfish, I am sorry about your trip, too. Time and money are precious when vacationing. Have you decided on a Plan B yet? How old is your little girl? I'm sure she will be excited to get to go on any trip with her family. :D


Beach Comber
Jun 30, 2005
I appreciate that PHDPHAY. I, however, do have a ton of sympathy for you and all the owners along the Emerald Coast or any other place that is a storm's path. As I said earlier, I realize that my concerns pale in comparison to yours, but like you, we have agendas too. It is a shame that some tourists give all tourists a bad name, but the same can be said for owners too.


Beach Comber
Jun 30, 2005
And another thing, while I am at it, I can CERTAINLY appreciate something that you have worked your whole life for, I guarantee you there have been plenty of times you have been lounging at your place while I was working my you know what off in 90 degree heat, not because I needed to save my vacation home, but because my bread depended on it. I do it EVERYDAY. I have worked as hard as anyone and harder than most to get to VISIT the Gulf Coast, and I'll have you know that I appreciate every square inch of that place, have since the first time I stepped foot there 20 years ago. I only dream of being an owner in a place like that someday, but when I do, I hope I don't have the same attitude as you, because I will remember what it is like on the outside looking in. Spending many a long day starving for the beach and tranquil waves, the peace and quite, and God's beauty at your finger tips.


Beach Comber
Jun 30, 2005
BEACHDREAMER: Thanks for the kind words. No we don't have a plan 'B', and it does'nt appear that here will be one. But, I think I am going to take our vacation money and put it down on the installation of a pool at our home. So that would be nice for the rest of summer

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
And another thing, while I am at it, I can CERTAINLY appreciate something that you have worked your whole life for, I guarantee you there have been plenty of times you have been lounging at your place while I was working my you know what off in 90 degree heat, not because I needed to save my vacation home, but because my bread depended on it. I do it EVERYDAY. I have worked as hard as anyone and harder than most to get to VISIT the Gulf Coast, and I'll have you know that I appreciate every square inch of that place, have since the first time I stepped foot there 20 years ago. I only dream of being an owner in a place like that someday, but when I do, I hope I don't have the same attitude as you, because I will remember what it is like on the outside looking in. Spending many a long day starving for the beach and tranquil waves, the peace and quite, and God's beauty at your finger tips.
As Paul Harvey says, "and now you know the rest of the story." :clap_1:


Beach Comber
Jun 26, 2005
phdphay said:
I don't have much sympathy for the tourists whose vacations have been canceled. While we worked our you-know-whats off boarding up in 90-something degree heat, the renters next door were lounging at the pool. Yes, someone's vacation might be ruined, but the owners risk losing their homes that, in our case at least, they worked a lifetime to acquire.
First of all no one held a gun to your head when you purchased your property, you knew the risks. Second of all, what is it with SOME of the property owners in SoWal and their disdain for the tourists? I don't get it. Is it the renter's next door who are causing the hurricane? Without the tourists most "locals" wouldn't have the means to own property in SoWal. If you don't want to live in a "tourist mecca" move away!


SoWal Insider
phdphay said:
I don't have much sympathy for the tourists whose vacations have been canceled. While we worked our you-know-whats off boarding up in 90-something degree heat, the renters next door were lounging at the pool. Yes, someone's vacation might be ruined, but the owners risk losing their homes that, in our case at least, they worked a lifetime to acquire.

Many, many of those "tourists" are people having long-planned family reunions, with all the assorted dramas and celebrations that go with them. It may not be a financial loss, but it certainly is an emotional loss. And, as stated above, without those tourists SoWal owners would not be enjoying the property values they see today.
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