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bentley williams

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
Ultimately, this is a part of the greater clash on 30A. 30A itself is becoming a resort, and as such construction workers etc. and folks in a hurry are either going to need to adjust to this fact, even though legally it's not a planned unit development. It's actually more dense for much of the year than many PUD's. Some like this, some wish we could restrict the density and behaviour that comes with it, into defined legal zones, but in my humble opinion that's just not life.

I don't know what all the solutions are. I do know for those that really hate this inconvenience of much of the area becoming a very dense vacation resort, the solution seems pretty simple to me; move to somewhere you don't have this problem, otherwise you do like most locals do and adjust your schedule around it, and be somewhat glad for so many of the locals who actually benefit greatly from the fact that south walton/30a is hopping mad, for much of the year.

It's a resort 10 or 12 weeks out of the year. Most folks would be shocked at how many mobile homes are within a ten minute LSV ride from their condo.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 10, 2013
It's a resort 10 or 12 weeks out of the year. Most folks would be shocked at how many mobile homes are within a ten minute LSV ride from their condo.
hard to find a mobile home in Grayton beach or BMB. These two will stayed
Mostly "old Florida " as planned.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
There is a simple solution to 30A becoming "dense". Leave 15 minutes earlier than you use to when you have time restraints.
There is a simple solution to 30A becoming "dense". Leave 15 minutes earlier than you use to when you have time restraints.
It's not just the travel time. It's the difficulty of getting a parking spot when you get to your destination.

Back to the subject of this thread, I see lots of people from the new part of Watercolor off 395 making the walk or short bike ride to the 395/30A walkover. So where will their beach access be if that walkover closes? Drive to "downtown" Watercolor and hunt for a parking spot just to get to the beach? Or drive to a public access that has parking? I'd be pretty ticked off if I lived there and couldn't get to the closest beach access.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
Alrighty, here is a project for someone with a lot of time on their hands. Begin at the court clerk's web site and go to Plat Book 2, Page 29. There you will see a portion of the original Seagrove First Addition Plat. As originally laid out, all the neighborhood streets went to the top of the bluff, and there was a walking path called Park St that ran east to west along the top of the bluff,in front of the Gulf-front homes. None of the lot lines extend to the beach or the Gulf of Mexico. Does anyone besides me wonder how the lot lines in some cases (not all) got extended to the water?? (This is your research assignment, should you choose to accept it.)
Old pictures from decades ago show residents strolling this path on the top of the bluff, and you can see remnants of it still today, but now they are in people's yards. Funny how that happened.
There are two still-existing accesses each five houses to the west and five to the east of the 395 access. The one to the east is the Holly St access. The one to the west is on the west side of Dr Bob's old house that was just torn down a couple of days ago. But in reality, there ought to be on at the foot of every north/south neighborhood street, if you go by the original plat.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Great information. Thanks NDY. Having never really studied that plat, I was under the impression that there is an access between every other house on the bluff (which might coincide with the north-south streets). Does the walking path look like a dedicated easement or right of way? I always thought the sidewalk was just an informal gesture of a truly gentler time. Much of it has been swallowed by the storms. But I don't recall any of the residents of Old Seagrove ever claiming their property went all the way to the Gulf. I thought that attitude mainly came from "newbies".


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
If you look at the plat, the walking path is shown just the same as the streets. If you had never been here and were just looking at the plat, you would probably assume it is a street. It's true that much of it has been swallowed by the storms and is lost to that gentler time, but my real concern is the lots that now extend to the MHW. If you look at the property appraisers web site, you will see this. I clicked on the link for one of them that takes you to the clerk's site and read the deed. The deed description goes to the MHW, but it also references the original plat, which does not.
A few years ago there were some lots for sale just west of 395 and they had signs on them with aerials of the lots and the lot lines drawn in, down to the water.
One in particular that I looked at is not a newbie.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
Oh, and PS - this is one reason why abandonments are suspect. It's possible the beach was abandoned in the past, but I really have no idea. It is a research project for someone. No takers?
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