This despicable, implied, vindictive, shaming, retribution, narrative truly is BS and so carefully, indirectly directed at me. So, if that is the case let me enlighten you.
1. The last thing I will do is seek political office. Not interested; I have nearly 5 restaurants to manage and spending my time looking after 260 employees and my family to find time for that. What I have done and do for this County is purely because I love this place and our community deeply nor for financial or political gain (more below). I do; however have time to work on important issues affecting our quality of life and property values like proposals for offshore oil drilling in Florida's waters and keeping our beaches available to all. Stopping the monster houses is also a priority. You are the one who should run for office if you want to change the game; might be hard to win though if private beaches is going to be your platform; you might also drop the fake name.
2. The notion that I am trying to keep our beaches public to increase my business is pure bullshit. If CU were reinstated and for some reason I had to close my bar on the beach I would happily do it. I am very fortunate to be in the center of 30A and built my businesses for 33 years in Seaside. The business has been and I believe always will be solid/growing; even with a slow moving construction project out front sales are up. Regarding business being up or down, ask some non beachfront owners, realtors and rental companies in areas near certain beach accesses; Business up? Not so much for some. I believe this will be the Achilles heel of private, exclusionary beaches in South Walton.
3. The three year bipartisan effort to incorporate South Walton was to create a representative government for South Walton; I am proud of every minute and dollar I spent on that effort. We worked on this project to create a municipality with 6 City commissioners and a mayor all residing full time in South Walton; our neighbors close to the pulse of our issues and most equipped to solve them. It was a noble effort by good people on equally both sides of political spectrum; It failed but someday I hope it will happen. Someone else besides me will have to carry that torch though. Interestingly, three of our board members differ from my opinion regarding public/private beaches though, yet we will always be close friends. They are people of the highest integrity and character with no malice towards me. We all just recently reunited for a wonderful dinner together.
4. The lawsuit is a result of HB631. A bill you supported then tried to stop the procedure set forth in it; "you can't have it both ways."
5. You calling me a liar does not make me a liar. We have differing opinions on the public or private history of our beach. Nothing will change that I believe.
6. Regarding some BFO's being censored/blocked by "Guess Who?" You will have to ask the admins of that social platform; I am not one of them. But you already know that.
I know a certain Irish Pub that carries Shiner Bock...more crumbs "than a NY deli." I know your offer was for MP but I have always liked that beer too. Someday perhaps we will have a beer when this is all settled.
Please read carefully.
I read the above post without paying attention to which post it was a reply. As I read the narrative, I kept thinking, wow, someone really attacked Dave R and got under his skin. Someone hit a nerve. As I read further, I more anticipated looking back up to discover the original poster out of curiosity. Then, without warning, The Shiner Bock line hit with a bang!
You thought that post was directed at you? You really take credit for all those misdeeds mentioned in the narrative? I’m sorry, and quite amused, that you thought that it was directed entirely at you. It surely sir, was not. Go back and read it again, you’ll see the potential players more clearly.
However, your personal behavior here was quite enlightening. And I gotta admit, more than a little entertaining.
We will have that beer together, if we haven’t already...