I see where Florida Beaches for All is trying to ride the coattails of
Diane Krumel whose organization successfully convinced Escambia County commissioners to not sell off publicly owned beaches for private development as well as keeping unleased county owned beach public.
“The approved ordinance upholds a 1947 deed, prohibiting Escambia County from selling any publicly-owned part of Santa Rosa Island.”
Click here for news report.
So Escambia County already owns the beach but the commissioners were considering selling parts of it. That’s just a wee bit different than what Dave and Daniel would have you believe is taking place in Walton County.
So here’s the coattails part:
On Facebook, Dave Rauschkolb says, “
Well put” to Daniel Uhlfelder’s comment,
Great victory for Florida’s public beach use in Pensacola beach this week. Dianne Krumel is an American hero and beach soldier. She is an inspiration to me and others fighting for beach use in Walton county. She was viciously attacked and defamed by her opponents, but did not give up. Supporters of customary use in Walton County have also been viciously attacked and defamed but we’re not giving up either." Daniel Uhlfelder.
Dave continues on,
“We need your help to ensure all of our Walton County beaches remain open to the public forever. Please financially support our efforts at floridabeachesforall.org. We represent non beachfront owners and the beach going public in the Walton County Lawsuit to restore Customary Use to our beaches. We are fighting the fight for you and taking heat from wealthy, powerful entities determined to keep our beaches private. This is a president setting case that could pave the way for private beaches on Florida and the Nation. Please go to our website and donate whatever you can today! We are a 501c4 nonprofit. The funds are needed for legal and operating expenses.
Thank you! Floridabeachesforall.org”
Dianne Krummel fought against the county to prevent them from selling off
already owned public beach and making it private. Dave and Daniel are fighting with the county to take private beach and make it public.
IMHO, it’s an insult to Diane Krummel’s efforts of keeping publicly owned beach public - that Dave and Daniel are using her name to further their cause of destroying private property rights.
By the way, Uhlfelder said CU supporters were attacked and defamed. I won’t bring up the Nazi card thing. Ooops, just did.