#1747. Guess those BFOs with pre-2016 ordinances are just SOL. They "lost" their right to use "their beach" when they re-worded HB631 to exclude them. Wonder why all these lawyers arent lining up in those counties to "support private property rights" ??
jodiFL and bob1, as CU believers why do you use pseudonyms? Do pseudonyms determine your belief credibility or do the verifiable facts you post?
jodiFL, your question suggests you know more or know something about CU litigation we all do not or you do not know much about any other CU ordinance(s).
a. Of Florida’s 67 counties which county(s) had CU ordinance(s) prior to January 1, 2016?
b. Did the lower courts affirm the ordinance(s) PRIOR to ordnance(s) going into effect or did the county(s) declare CU without BPO due process first?
c. Were any of the CU ordinance(s) appealed to the higher courts, which courts, and what were the rulings?
d. What are the county(s) specific recreational CU uses in the ordinance(s)?
e. Do/did the ordinance(s) apply to all private beach properties in that/those county(s)?
f. In any Florida CU litigation is driving public vehicles on private beach property ruled ancient, reasonable, without interruption, and free from dispute? If yes, would is it reasonable that the automobile is “ancient” according to old English custom common law?
g. If SCOTUS found ancient English common law of public customary use of private property with title to the MHWL unConstitutional would the previous ordnance(s) be valid or invalid?
This BPO can answer these simple questions, can any CU believer, and post them here?
jodiFL and bob1, as CU believers why do you use pseudonyms? Do pseudonyms determine your belief credibility or do the verifiable facts you post?
jodiFL, your question suggests you know more or know something about CU litigation we all do not or you do not know much about any other CU ordinance(s).
a. Of Florida’s 67 counties which county(s) had CU ordinance(s) prior to January 1, 2016?
b. Did the lower courts affirm the ordinance(s) PRIOR to ordnance(s) going into effect or did the county(s) declare CU without BPO due process first?
c. Were any of the CU ordinance(s) appealed to the higher courts, which courts, and what were the rulings?
d. What are the county(s) specific recreational CU uses in the ordinance(s)?
e. Do/did the ordinance(s) apply to all private beach properties in that/those county(s)?
f. In any Florida CU litigation is driving public vehicles on private beach property ruled ancient, reasonable, without interruption, and free from dispute? If yes, would is it reasonable that the automobile is “ancient” according to old English custom common law?
g. If SCOTUS found ancient English common law of public customary use of private property with title to the MHWL unConstitutional would the previous ordnance(s) be valid or invalid?
This BPO can answer these simple questions, can any CU believer, and post them here?