Thank you Walton County. I posted this heart felt message 170 days ago that crossed THE line in the sand (get it?). It’s sole purpose was to give voice to a perspective and set of facts that was being aggressively censored from your view. It’s done much more than that.
It’s generated a record 500 views per day (~85,000), 10 replies per day (1,740), and gave concerned citizens a public forum to discuss the true facts of the issue. I couldn’t be more impressed with some of the voices contributing with historical and factual legal education that is deviously kept from public view elsewhere. I’ve learned a lot from these very smart folk.
I do not understand however, Why selective retitling of this post and continued editing still must take place arbitrarily, seemingly to control the message.
The author and friends are very happy to note, however;
1) The public and social media staged noise have not crossed the behavior line quite so much lately, been relatively quiet with only one or two radical voices no longer being encouraged by a previously uninformed mass following.
2) The citizens have been exposed to more and more true facts of the matter, and realize sentiments like this original post’s, are held by both sides, a mutual desire for harmony, not forced conflict.
3) The lawsuit against the citizens was apparently a big, VERY costly mistake, having little chance of meeting the strict legal requirements necessary to remove private property rights.
4) BPO’s are indeed people too, neighbors who want our collective beaches to be PROTECTED and enjoyed by ALL, but not abused and destroyed by a FREE FOR ALL.
5) A 2019 record tourist season with NO inevitable threats to the economy or chaos on the beaches. But in fact a season of millions of visitors living out South Walton dreamy commercials and NOT being eaten alive by evil, greedy, malicious BPO’s.
So thanks for the input. Thanks for the open minds. And sorry for the continued conspiracy theories and propaganda that still dilute the valuable adult discussion taking place here. But in reality, the entertainment value of the alarmist, activist, radicalist, agitatorist, blasphemist, narcissist, egotist, conspiracy theorist, antagonist, social terrorist contributions makes it fun, no?
And remember, we’re all in this together and capable of doing what we’ve always done as soon as the lawsuits and public attacks can stop - and that’s get along peacefully, together, on our beaches. But regardless of who wins, this fight over CU Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy.