Thanks and agree. I've been reading this forum for long time, never had a desire to post until all the misinformation was being repeated in that disaster of a public hearing. My father was one of the top labor attorneys in the nation, I followed in his footsteps. He certainly would not approve of what's going on here.
2007? When did "customary use" first come on the radar do you recall? and by who?
I would also like to see HB631 repealed. Repeal would mean the end of customary use in Florida.
When did customary use first discussed on the Emerald Coast?
Beach use is a supply and demand problem - and won't be resolved with customary use. 75% of Walton beaches are private property - supply. Started when Walton commissioners (and county administrator) did nothing to manage the logistics and infrastructure of all the tourist. Started when TDC was formed and tourist taxed $20,000,000 annually to pay for local businesses marketing, like Bud & Alley's, to bring tourist here, saving Dave Rauschkolb a ton of advertising money at tourist tax payer's expense - demand.
Started in 2002 when Destin tried customary use with Attorney David Theriaque and was told by the FL Attorney General, they'd have to do it parcel by parcel.
Advisory Legal Opinion - Regulation of dry sand portion of beach
October 2003 was an individual customary use case, Meyer v. Apollo. David Theriaque represent Meyer. The case was withdrawn.
August 2016 was an individual customary use case, New and Tippins v Bradford. David Theriaque represent New and Tippins. Bradford prevailed on Count I private easement and Tippens withdrew Count II customary use.
Walton BCC started 11 years ago.
2007-10-09 BCC Customary Use. Mr. Burke [County Attorney] discussed four options that should be considered for Walton County. Option one (1) is to do nothing and allow the private citizens to file suit. Option two (2) would be to adopt an ordinance establishing Customary Use definitions. This option could cause possible litigation. Option three (3) would be to file a class action law suit by the Board to determine whether the Doctrine of Customary Use applies. Mr. Burke did not recommend this option. Option four (4) would allow the Board to seek easements from private land owner for a Customary Use. This option may offer the property owner ad valorem tax relief and would probably be more successful. Mr. Burke suggested the Board review and to consider options two and four. Commissioner Comander made a motion to proceed with options two and four. Motion died for lack of second. 2007 BCC included Cindy Meadows, Larry Jones - now county administrator, and Sara Comander.
Started 2008 with County Administrator (2012 to present) and former Commissioner (2000 – 2012), Larry Jones’s Masters Thesis (incorrectly) concluded there was customary use on Walton private beaches. Primary reference David Theriaque.
Larry Jones did not run for reelection in 2012 and was hired (no surprise) in 2013 as the County Administrator. Larry Jones has more influence as Walton Administrator than he ever did as an elected Commissioner, gets paid 3x more, does not have to get elected, and has worked against the best interests of private property owners since.
Started when Walton commissioner’s 2015 beach fortification failed because 94% of the beachfront owners figured out the Commissioners motive for beach storm damage reduction was to build up FL submerged lands seaward of the MHWL for public dry sand and owners rejected the 50+ year fortification easement and Erosion Control Line (ECL) on their littoral (by definition property touches the water) private property, creating previously private beachfront to beachview. Within months after beach fortification was rejected Commissioner Chapman starts customary use agenda.
Started when the Sheriff's 2015 beach trespass SOP 15-004 mandated property owners place surveyed Posted signs on their property boundaries to enforce trespass.
"5. The property boundaries of the upland owners property are adequately marked on the ground indicating the boundary between the mean-high water line and their upland property." Owners did not ask to places signs on their property, just to enforce their Constitutional property rights.
Started October 25, 2016 when Commissioner Comander declared if customary use, “...took spending $40 MILLION to $50 MILLION in tax payer’s money ... if we [commissioners] have to, then we have to!” Sadly it’s not the commissioner’s personal money; if it was, the customary use vote likely would be very different.
Board of County Commissioners on 2016-10-25 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting - Oct 25th, 2016
2016 Walton commissioners hired David Theriaque as outside counsel ($425/hour) to prepare Walton commissioner’s customary use ordinance. Elected commissioners then declared customary use of private property April 2017 without due process.
Five property owner groups then had to file a legal complaint against Walton County, as Plaintiffs with the burden to prove their Constitutionally protect private property rights were superior to old English common law customary use instead of Walton commissioners proving customary use in court with the burden of proof.
That’s why the FL legislators enacted HB631 and should remain in place - NOT repealed. Read FL Sta 163.035 (HB 631). It does not affirm or deny customary use - only addresses the abuse of local elected governments police powers to declare customary use without due process.
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
Repealing FS 163.035 (HB631) would NOT end customary use in FL but place beachfront owners in court as Plaintiffs - NOT Defendants. Even local FL Rep Brad Drake, customary use advocate, voted for HB631.