Mptnal, your original statement was “Okay I have read some of the contents of the hearing and I would say… The county seems to be "sufficiently clear" in conclusion of it's determination of customary beach use by the public”
Great, enlighten us, show us ANY of the content provided by that County that shows it is ‘sufficient clear” to remove property rights in Walton County.
Now your statement seems to have changed “ I speculate that the evidence is similar to the words of one of our founding fathers, "self-evident".
So did you review and find content or evidence backing the county’s claim that removing property rights is ancient, reasonable, without interruption, and without dispute, or do you speculate the county would not spend millions of dollars SUING EVERY WALTON COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER THAT HAS LEGALLY DEEDED BEACH FRONT PROPERTY without evidence? Your right, who would commit to spending Millions of dollars without any facts to back up the claim in a court of law? Surely the evidence exists, doesn’t it?
Also note that ALL evidence by the County has ALREADY been submitted to prove their claim. They are not going to be able to make up and submit new evidence. So, if you have reviewed any of these documents that make it “sufficiently clear”, please share it!
This lawsuit has NOTHING to do with going to the beach or keeping people off the beach. The State of Florida provides the right to walk the entire coastline, swim, fish, take pictures, and build sandcastles. So, what is the lawsuit about? It is about getting more property to DAY CAMP for UNLIMTED people with UNLIMITED beach equipment against the will of the property owner because the amount of beach previously purchased and made Public is grossly insufficient to handle the exponential growing tourist population. This year 4 million tourists. What happens when we have 6 million tourist per year? What about 8 million tourists? The county is attempting to TAKE property rights (right of exclusion) with no compensation, from land that prior to 2016 the BCC CONFIRM WAS PRIVATE IN COURT!
So, what happened in 2016 that all of a sudden, the Private property in Walton County no longer has Property Rights? That is a real question because prior to that the BCC confirmed Private Property Rights in Walton County. If the BCC thought they already controlled ALL THE DRY SAND BEACH in Walton County, why did they ever buy property that was previously private to make “Public Beach”?
More than willing to a nice discussion over a fish fry, but you got to come the table with actual facts to discuss, not that you believe that somehow property rights should not exist for a certain group of people because decades ago they have legal deeded property that is now in high demand and the county wants to generate huge profit for businessmen and developers by using private property against the will of the property owner. What is to prevent the BCC trying this to your property and every other property in Walton County?
Please provide the facts and evidence that is the basis for removing property rights for every single Walton County Legally Deeded beach property owner that shows it is ancient, reasonable, without interruption, and without dispute, and then we can discuss the rest at the fish fry.