Public recreational use is not being disputed. Private beach is being disputed.
Mputnal, please read the lawsuit, court documents, and the Larry Jones deposition.
Private Property is not, nor has ever been disputed by Walton County. The County fully acknowledges the private property deeds that extend from the Mean High Water Line (MHWL) to the Toe of the Dune. There is
absolutely no current court challenge to the ownership of private property.
What is being challenged, first by Ordinance and now by a lawsuit, for the first time in the history of Walton County starting in
2016. Is that the
BCC wants the Private Property Right (Right of Exclusion) removed from Private Property owner (up to the toe of the dune) and transferred for the exclusive determination of the BCC.
Please read the minutes of the 2016 BCC Special Workshop and see that in attempt for financial gain of billions of tourists dollars, the BCC decided to change the pre-2016 strategy of purchasing property and converting to Public Beach with appropriate facilities, and instead
remove private property rights with zero compensation. The County claims the property is still owned by the private property owner but only the BCC determines who, how many, and what equipment, can be on their deeded property against the will of the property owner. It is the “entitled frisbee law” on steroids (sarcastic comment and not a real law).
There is no challenge to the ability to swim, fish, or walk the entire 26 miles of Walton County shoreline, or the entire shoreline of Florida. That is controlled by the State of Florida and not the private property owner. This lawsuit is about removal of property rights (right of exclusion) from the property owner from the MHWL to the toe of the dune, for the exclusive determination of the BCC. This is not about “co-ownership” or “sharing”. The end result is forced occupation against the will of the property owner.
The property owners have already shown they will not give up property rights without going to the Supreme Court. Do you think the Supreme Court is going to transfer the Right of Exclusion to the control of the BCC to chase tourists’ dollars?
Again, please read the lawsuit, court documents, deposition, and 2016 BCC Special Workshop Minutes.