I agree with Jim Tucker that the horse is out of the barn. IMO that’s what’s caused so much of the current overcrowding. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to prevent future unbridled growth. If CU wins then all of the developers can rightfully tell buyers, and buyers can tell renters, that they have the legal right to use all of the beach areas, not just those that are public. The County, realtors, and other local businesses can advertise the same. We’ll be further encouraging even more overcrowding. Maybe we don’t have to control beach density with physical barriers. Controlling capacity would be a step in the right direction. I agree with bob1 that if the County and the developers have their way, the last 20 years are going to look like nothing compared to the next 20 years. We can’t do anything about the last 20 years, but we should try to do something about the next 20 years. The more tourists, the more local businesses. The more local businesses, the greater the need for housing and infrastructure (schools, fire, police, etc.) for locals who work in those businesses. It’s a vicious cycle and I think CU will make it worse.