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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
If there was any question of the Customary Us Militant, the Ends Justify the Means, spend however much of Walton tax payers money it takes strategy?

April 2016 Dave Rauschkolb NW FL Daily [CU] News
"Oh yes, we will spend whatever it takes and put as much time in as is necessary. Good luck sir but you will not win this one with ease if at all. We are all in it for the long run and don't think we don't have the money to see this through; we are far from afraid of the money of a few [now 650+] beach front homeowners. There are far, far more property owners in South Walton who have invested in this area and will demand to have customary use of the [private property] beaches. They are from all over America and have plenty of money to organize a war chest to fund this if necessary. ... Game on."

How much are Walton Commissioners willing to spend of Walton tax payers money to fight the war on public customary use of private property?
October 25, 2016 Commissioner Comander answer, $40,000,000 or $50,000,000 tax payer dollars. That may be double that if private property owners prevail and that’s no gaslighting.
Board of County Commissioners on 2016-10-25 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting - Oct 25th, 2016
Click link and press Play.

March 13, 2018 Walton BCC Regular Meeting
Commissioner Toney Anderson. As long as I’m drawing a breath we [Commissioners] are going to fight for this.
Board of County Commissioners on 2018-03-13 4:00 PM - Regular Meeting - Mar 13th, 2018

March 21, 2018. South Walton REALTOR publicly announced meeting hosted by REALTOR CEO Keith Dean, with Florida House Representative Brad Drake [who voted for HB631 along with a super majority of the FL legislature and Governor, rebuking 5 partisan Commissioners], Commissioner Tony Anderson, Walton Administrator and former Commissioner Larry Jones, and Walton Attorney Heather Christmann that was a follow up to the March 15, 2018 REALTOR/Walton Strategic meeting.
Tony Anderson; “Anyway. We feel fortunate we got the language we [Walton County] wanted in there [2018 HB631]. We feel fortunate the [Florida Legislator] Speaker let it [HB631] pass with it [the language] in there. ... The battles, we may have lost the battle; but we’re going to win the war.”

Aug 28, 2018 Walton BCC Regular meeting.
Commissioner Toney Anderson praises Florida Beaches for All REALTOR Liz McMasters (on screen right) and Keith Dean, CEO Emerald Coast Association of REALTORS (ECAR) Board of Directors and Membership (3,500 REALTORS) as "warrior for customary use" for customary use. Another reason beachfront property owners should tell Walton REALTORS beachfront owners will use Bay county REALTORS and not Walton Realtors. Board of County Commissioners on 2018-08-28 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting - Aug 28th, 2018

May 2019. Disturbing CU advocate posts on FB active shooter video "solving" private beaches by shooting trespassers?
01 CUer Video Shooting Image.jpg

2018 Staged altercations by attorneys with law enforcement and May 26, 2019 not so social media posts “We will win this battle [to use private property beaches] with the help of brave beach soldiers like yourself.”
2019-05-26 FBFA Ulhfelder Brave Beach Soldiers post.jpg
2018 2nd Staged FB Ulhfelder Video.jpg bill-nelson-in-walton-county Vizcaya.jpg

Beachfront owners never considered and did not need to mark the property boundaries in accordance with the Sheriff's trespass SOP or security guards before disrespectful aggressive customary beach users, the staged for anti-social media beach altercations, "Survey Says" beliefs, national staged political stunts, hoax beach fences for media attention, fake police reports on private property advocate, active shooter beach video, and a militant CU strategy to mobilize the beach soldiers with unsubstantiated "beliefs" and not facts or understanding of the law.

I wonder where I can hire security for our private beach if/when needed?
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Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
Wait! What? Those two home bases of Watercolor and Watersound are private beach? You must be part of their "Boojee Cub" to touch their sand? They don't allow access to lowly Walton County locals, tax paying residents? They don't "share their beach"? They don't practice "beaches for all"? No one, not even prominent, social media star residents that live there, have demonstrated, filmed shaming videos, engaged in sit ins on either one of those beaches? They haven't posted videos of victimized homeowners on their beaches, or pictures of the multi million dollar homes there? I wonder how those Watersound and Watercolor neighbors would feel if we publicly organized an all out assault on their elitist, greedy, thieving, illegal, immoral, evil ways of keeping us off of our "God given" beaches because they think that they OWN them? Let's ponder that for a minute.........

Not only is Dave Rauschkolb's Watersound beach and Daniel Uhlfelder's Watercolor beach BOTH PRIVATE, they BOTH INTERVENED AGAINST customary use of their beaches.

See court documents 167, 400, and 264.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
The residents of Watersound and Watercolor will no doubt offer they believe that access and use are 2 alternative different things.

Question for Customary Use supporters - Public density across the beaches?
Access and use, convenience advantages & solutions for housekeeping on our beach
Read all the posts on the pages.

BTW. NO Seaside 30A beach-side LLC business owns beachfront. The Seaside developer owns the dunes, constructed walkovers, and dry sand to the MHWL in Seaside. All fact in Walton Property Appraiser and Clerk of Court public records. The Seaside developer is 1 of the 650+ private property owners intervening against Walton’s public customary use of private property litigation too.
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bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
I live in the south but I am not for ignorance, lynchings, sister love, beer, NASCAR and pickup trucks. If I were to live in a community with a "private" beach it wouldn't mean I was for or against the issue. Dumb argument.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
I live in the south but I am not for ignorance, lynchings, sister love, beer, NASCAR and pickup trucks. If I were to live in a community with a "private" beach it wouldn't mean I was for or against the issue. Dumb argument.
But you could make an argument in the past all those activities you listed should be protected in the South by the belief in customary use if you use the same criteria used by CU advocates for public customary use use of private property. Just sayin. The common law doctrine of custom is not just for highly desired private beachfront. Could be hunting land, Bay shores, river banks, lake shores, contracts, family law ... whatever the surveys and polls show?
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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
The common law doctrine of custom is not just for highly desired private beachfront. Could be hunting land.....
Yep, and let’s not forget Theriaque (attorney for county FOR customary use) successfully defended private property owners against hunters (AGAINST customary use) who “customarily used the land for hunting”.

I’ll go out on a limb....hunting has always been more of a custom than sitting on the beach with a mai-tai.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
I live in the south but I am not for ignorance, lynchings, sister love, beer, NASCAR and pickup trucks. If I were to live in a community with a "private" beach it wouldn't mean I was for or against the issue. Dumb argument.
It just proves they are hypocritical, something I’ve argued for a very long time. They could have just as easily purchased a home with its own private beach near a public access and then donated that beach to the county. Instead they chose exclusive communities where even if customary prevailed, they would be minimally impacted.

Added...But now, they want us to do the donating.

Oh yeah, you’re about to alienate a lot of people regarding your comment about beer, NASCAR and pickup trucks in the same thought train as ignorance and sister love....just an observation.
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Beach Lover
Aug 6, 2005
It just proves they are hypocritical, something I’ve argued for a very long time. They could have just as easily purchased a home with its own private beach near a public access and then donated that beach to the county. Instead they chose exclusive communities where even if customary prevailed, they would be minimally impacted.
If you donated yours you could be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Auburn Fan

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
The residents of Watersound and Watercolor will no doubt offer they believe that access and use are 2 alternative different things....
BTW... The Seaside developer is 1 of the 650+ private property owners intervening against Walton’s public customary use of private property litigation too.

Well... maybe not all the residents of Watercolor and Watersound ...

The president of Florida Beaches for All, Dave Rauschkolb, might consider explaining this "access principle" to his organization's attorney, Daniel Uhlfelder. Rauschkolb is very privileged to enjoy the private accesses to private Watersound beach, truly an enclave for the rich.

And yet...
Just this morning Uhlfelder posted on social media an article highly critical of a man's arrest for trespassing on a private access to a public beach, claiming "...rich bastards buying beachfront mansions and blocking access..."

(Hmmmm.... Sounds kind of like Watersound to me....)

Chasing ambulances is no worse than chasing click-bait fame.

When are we going to see a viral harassment video stunt filmed at one of FBFA founders' private beaches of Watersound or Watercolor?

Oh. And before I forget,
Uhlfelder literally publicly tweeted these exact words this morning at 8:26am, "Eat the rich".


Beach Comber
May 3, 2019
South Walton
Can someone on this thread please explain to me how CU advocates can get away with statements like Daniel Uhlfelder just made this morning? If a BFO said that, they would be villified. Also, how can pro CU folks get away with threatening statements that are all over social media since the video released this past weekend? It just seems there's a huge double standard. I can find lots of examples of pro CU people demeaning BFO's online, but can you find any BFO demeaning pro CU folks? It seems all of the name calling and double standard gives 30A a bad name. Weird since Uhlfelder lives and works in the area.
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