I have personally had the luxury of eating some of Doug's goodies since the Paradise Cafe Days! The early to mid 80's! The bottom line is he is one of the best chefs in the area. Doug is one of the founders of fine dining in South Walton. I was upset when he stopped doing what he excels at! I also think it is very cool how Doug and Kathy like to mix it up a bit. My hat is off to you both!!!
Thank you Bobby
....I'm so glad that you acknowledged that Doug was a founder of fine dining in South Walton. So many people think we are leaving our norm for something we want to
try. I'm sure you agree, our menuhas always been and will continue to be local friendly. And, as always, generous portions of mouth watering selections. Doug and I have cooked, catered, served, and partied with some of the finest people all over the south. I've had my desserts flown on dry ice from South Walton and South Florida to the East coast, the West coast,the Rocky Mountains...even as far as Paris, France. Doug has made his famous Seafood Stuffed Snapper for sports legends, celebrities, chefs from all over, but more important, to friends and family. We've even cooked and served a wedding party in a Seaside Honeymoon Cottage using toaster ovens and crock pots!
Our main focus has always been making people feel comfortable and full. Of course the first D & K's had a magical ambiance. If you ate with us in the little red house on Vicki Street, then you know how it felt to be a guest in our home. I'm trying my best to bring that feeling into Grayton Beach.
You are so right we do like to mix it up a bit. We believe the newly renovated building will give us such a perfect opportunity to do just that. It will be simple, cozy, fun, elegant, intimate but most of all, it will be a mixture of the two of us....Doug and Kathy. I don't think we are in the same category as most fine dining restaurants that are so successful here in SoWal, because we just do our own thing in our own way. There are no carved in stone rules. Most of the time we make them up as we go!
Now see what you've done...you got me started and it's hard to stop. I just want everyone to know that we do not profess to be perfect, but we promise to do our best to make your evening a memorable one when you dine at D & K's.
Doug and I send you and Beverly and that precious son of yours a very very special thanks for your support. How could so many years have gone by??? The best is yet to be!
With much love,
Kathy & Doug