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I'm alone A LOT (my husband is a 3-million miler). So when I have an opportunity to be with people, I'd much rather strike up a conversation with the bartender or the person at the next barstool than dive into a book. I can read a book HOME ALONE.

If you can't understand that, I dunno what to say. I guess my supposed tangent was politically incorrect. But if the topic of the thread is "Dining Alone," my many personal experiences in dining alone, combined with recommendations for doing such in the popular media, can hardly be construed as tangential.

For me, the bars at Borago, Bud & Alley's, and Shades are great places to dine alone. There's always someone to strike up an interesting conversation with. Most bartenders seem to be flattered that their customers are interested in talking to them as human beings, rather than as automatons behind a bar. I always learn something interesting while talking to them.

As SJ says, we all don't think alike. Like I've said before, I know more people who agree with me on this issue than disagree. I can't tell you how many times we've dined out, seen someone alone reading, and one of my tablemates has made a comment about how sad it is to read while dining alone. So I'm outta here on this issue. As I've said before, slam me all you want. Whatever. I'm not the only one who thinks this way.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Don't get me wrong- I have had many wonderful conversations with strangers, bartenders, and strange bartenders. I bartended a couple years in college ( had to supplement the party income!) so I can yak'em up with the best. But sometimes you don't get very lucky in available conversationalists, so the book is necessary.
beachmouse said:
Sounds like the classic divide between introverts (those who are energized by time alone) and extroverts (those who are energized by interacting with others) bubbling over into the discussion.

Mr. Mouse and I are both fairly strong introverts, and will often go out for Sunday brunch and read the paper while waiting for the food to show up, Kind of like we're having fun together yet at the same time giving each other some space.

If anyone wants to go off on a Myers-Briggs tangent, we're both INTJs.
Myers was my prof at UF in grad school until I realized that an Ed.D. in math ed was worthless if I wanted to teach at the university level, so I got Ph.D. in math and then computer science. I was an ISTJ, but have become more ESTJ as time as passed and I have had to overcompensate for my extremely introverted husband.

Are you UF alums?
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Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL
Mr. Mouse and I went to undergrad together at Albion College. (small liberal arts college in Michigan, only Paula here has probably heard of it) then I got my MPP from University of Michigan, and he got his MFA from Michigan State.

Yeah, I know what they say about mixed marriages, but we have a shared love for Da Red Wings, so it actually works out pretty well.
kurt said:
Now Phay :roll: , I doubt that would make any lists for being pathetic. :funn:
Honey, I know boatloads of sh*t. People are amazed by this since I am a (subliminal message) blonde; pathetic is definitely not how people who know me describe me, fo' shizzle, my nizzle. :rotfl:

BTW I'm all about staying current and keeping my job (and, more important, group health insurance).
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Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Since my husband travels a lot and both my daughters no longer live at home, eating alone presents a quandry. I do not like to watch tv and eat, so I often read. It is no fun to look at a plate of food in your home. Sometimes I eat outsdie and prefer to at restaurant where that is an option. In some restaurants, I enjoy people watching. Not staring, but observing interactions. Quite a variety of people out there.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
For the record, Beach Runner, I don't mind people who want to talk versus reading a book. My problem is with you saying that people (you) think that I am pathetic if I am reading while alone at a restaurant.

Give me a break.

While on the subject, if you see a guy reading a book while dining at a table by himself in SoWal, please keep the talking to a minimum. My Mom says that I don't listen well when reading.


Aug 11, 2005
Beach Runner said:
So I'm outta here on this issue. As I've said before, slam me all you want. Whatever. I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

BR, no one minds the different opinions. That's not the point. It was simply the way you stated with such finality that books + restaurants = pathetic. Perhaps you ought to have clarified with a "...to me." After all, one person's "pathetic" is another person's "perfect," as this thread so amply illustrates.

Different strokes for different folks.
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