Smiling JOe said:
You are right. I am beginning to sound like two other people. I really need to stop hanging out with you guys -- I may be getting a bad reputation by association.
Back to...whatever the topic was -- Insurance Controversies.
Hey ..... hey... HOLD ON THERE !!!!
I resemble that remark !!!! :nono1:
SJ, I've been waiting to use that "you're a bad boy" smiley on you!
Just started reading this thread as insurance is a concern of everyone who owns property in this area. Just when I thought the retaining wall issue was starting to simmer down, now that most of us have expressed our views every which way but loose, I just HAD TO STUMBLE into this thread that kept me up half the night!
I can't believe ecopal is making the wind insurance thing a gulf front vs. non-gulf front issue...
AS WELL !!!!!! This is just too much!
Yea, I know, I guess I'm just extremely hypersensitive to gulf front property owner bashers this time of the year.
ecopal ACTUALLY and SIMPLY hates (for lack of any other word that fits) all GF owners (see all the retaining wall thread stuff for the benefit of those who have not been following them). We're ruining the beach with our walls, etc. and
now we're causing Citizens premium rates to jump up.
It's MY FAULT, as a gulf front property owner, that everyone else's wind insurance rates are going up, right?
OK let's look at the elemental logic here...
Hmmm.... I'm a gulf front property owner so my property blows down when a cat 4 hits. But there must be some magical curtain that protects the property behind me or the property behind that, etc. Uhhhh, I still can't figure that one. Someone help me here.
Here's what started this thread and reinforces my complete and absolute total disappointment for ecopal...
ecopal said:
.....So essentially that surcharge is like a tax imposed on those to live in less hazardous areas of Florida to subsidize those who built in more hazardous areas such as on the beachfront.
I guess "such as" south of 30A or south of the bay would be pushing it in ecopal's view. Much less damage on 30A all the way to Hwy 20 when a cat 4 hits!!
What the . ..?
I truly truly truly hope everyone is seeing ecopal for who he is. ecopal screwed up and revealed his totally twisted sense of logic and reason again. You don't have to understand retaining walls, erosion, turtle habitat, etc., etc., to figure this one out.
SJ, I know you don't need me (or anyone else) to back you up on this one. But this guy is gaining credibility....
AS A MAJOR PAIN in the rear!!!
Oh yea, hey Shelly I'm now also convinced that you and ecopal are cut from the same cloth....
Shelly said:
If Citizen's worked like a "real" insurance company they would be cranking rates through the roof for Gulf front homes--or not insuring them at all. The insurance game is all about RISK....your dad IS paying to subsidize those Gulf front properties--we ALL are.
What the hell is the matter with you guys? Don't you know the difference between flood insurance (especially in the velocity zone) and wind insurance? Apparently not. It is FLOOD that can be differentiated between gulf front and non-gulf front properties. WIND is the SAME (gulf front vs non gulf front)!!!! I think Andrew, Ivan, Hugo, and on and on and on and on and on MORE THAN PROVED that.[/QUOTE]
Does ecopal and Shelly really believe the stuff they're writing? I don't and I don't think 99% of the "edcuated" masses here believe it either.
Wait a minute! "GOSH BMBVagrant, you sure are being hard on our pal echopal. What axe do you have to grind with him?"
Just simply read some of the stuff he's posted on the "Seawall", "Geotubes in TX" and the "Seawall Audio/Video" thread. I specifically challenged him on several points. One of his responses was that he could not believe that my posts were tolerated on this website. Basically if he can't win, he'll take his ball home. Please see for yourself. It was painfully evident to me there that he was a gulf-front property owner basher.
Oh here's another winner.....
SJ, called echopal on the bad analogy, and very logically I might add...
Originally Posted by Smiling JOe
Both ecopal and Shelly are suggesting that only Beach Front owners are causing these assessments. Have you not noticed that almost the entire Florida penisula has been hit hard with storms the last two years? Hello, you can pull your heads out of the sand now. With State Farm, Allstate and Nation Wide not isuing new policies for homes located within 2000 ft of the Gulf or 500 ft from the Bay or major bayous, Citizens may be the only choice for homeowners in those areas. Sure, that is beach front relative to lets say Kentucky!, but it is not really beach front, now is it?
Then ecopal responds...
ecopal said:
....Joe, it is not like you to have such a knee jerk emotionally charged angry reaction. Maybe you should reread my post .
I did not say or even imply that beach front homes are causing the assessments. I said such as the beach front.
I suppose it depends on ecopal's meaning of the word "such". IMHO, ecopal, is just, well, "too much" (how's that, Kurt?). I have never seen anyone back pedal as fast as he did after SJ's challenge.
BTW, if SJ's reaction is knee jerk in nature, I guess ecopal would consider my reaction a meltdown. Maybe that's his objective. Are you guys setting me up????
Then on top of that ecopal also said...
ecopal said:
....A home close to the beach is more likely to experience a greater degree of damage. That would increase the likelihood of a home closer to the beach exceeding its 2% deductible and tapping into the Citizens insurance fund. Most of us further back may never meet our 2% deductibles if we were built to the recent codes.
What physics book has ecopal been reading lately? Since SJ obviously missed the meaning of "such as" (in your view), what the heck is your definition of "further back"? One house? Two homes? One block? One mile? Ten miles? Gosh, sounds a lot like a question I asked ecopal about how "much" was much when it came to sand lost last week at BMB that ecopal photographed, posted, stated his negativity and then FAILED to QUALIFY that picture in ANY WAY, even after he was repeatedly challenged.
Why in the heck would he think those that are non-gulf front are more significantly immune than gulf-front? Otherwise the wind insurance difference is a complete non-issue within a large area of COASTAL property (not just gulf front).
ecopal is losing total credibility and rapidly. He should stick to turtles and such as his name suggests. They won't challenge him.
I did however see two turtles talking to one another (by my retaining wall BTW) and laughing and pointing at some guy taking pictures up and down the beach.... oh wait a minute.... that was me they were laughing at.
This wind insurance thing... just another vain attempt in echopal's repertoire of "ways to bash and discredit" gulf front property owners as well as create division between GF and non-GF neighbors. Does it make him feel good? What the heck is his true motivation? I'll buy anyone dinner (my choice where however
) who can convince me they have the true answer, even if you don't own gulf-front :funn: .
I won't even bother asking ecopal directly, as he left me
"high and dry" (retaining wall / bluff pun intended) on the other thread by not responding to my very direct questions!
Enough of this for now.
BTW, I did just check to see if ecopal started this post on April's fool day. If so, then I was just "had"..... nope started on March 30th. Must be his true color.
Sorry SJ, for addressing this post to you. But the more of this thread I read, the "crazier" I got. I hope you can understand. Continue the insurance crusade, at least.