Excellent job Seaside Rep crew! Thanks for a wonderful night. For those that haven't been there may be a few seats left.
ps - It ain't the Truman Show.
ps - It ain't the Truman Show.
Excellent job Seaside Rep crew! Thanks for a wonderful night. For those that haven't been there may be a few seats left.
ps - It ain't the Truman Show.
LOL....just missing the red earpossibly the Truman Show gone horribly wrong...;-)<...(smiley that's blind in his right eye!)
I heard that last night's show was extra-good.
As a sanitary reminder for you people participating in puppet auction, other hands have been up that puppet's butt!
As a sanitary reminder for you people participating in puppet auction, other hands have been up that puppet's butt!
You're just jealous that noone is bidding on you! :roll:
The puppet rocks!
The first time I saw the play, I left with similar thoughts, but after seeing it the third time, it occurred to me that Kevin's character may be the most sane one in the bunch, as freaky as he may have been.yes,, the show was extraordinary! okay, Hop was a deranged character, but kevin - you were the scary one! every character gave an oustanding performance.
and hop - the beard has got to go boyfriend. seriously.
Someone posted earlier that the show closes on Sunday, but I thought it ends on Saturday. Will a REP person please clarify that for those who are trying to see the show?