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SoWal Insider
Mar 31, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
:yikes:FTLofSweet Pea, I will try the feets. I will probably get sick, but will try it.....who knew you could buy these at WalMart????? Thank you, TCline!

kind of creepy. I'll bet Piggly Wiggly has them too. They would have whole pig heads in there...tongues, ears, feet. I'm sure they had chicken feet too. :eek:


SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Deramaxx is a NSAID, not a joint supplement. It is awesome for joint pain and doesn't have as many bad side effects of other pain relievers. Our old blue heeler was on it for the last 3 years of his life, and would not have been able to get up without it. He was beyond the help of gluc/chondroitin therapy, and just needed good pain relief.

jdarg, does this work quickly? I think Sweet Pea is being a trooper and is happy, but has some pain and I prefer to have her on something holistic. I will try the chemical if it will work quickly to relieve her discomfort (not to mention, it's breaking my heart to see).

I also believe in puppy chiropractics and puppy massage and will be searching for both in Buckhead.

She has been on liquid glucosamine/chondroitin since Sunday and she loves it, but I don't think it's working quickly enough.

If anyone knows of a holistic cocktail safe for canines, please let me know! Thank you and Merry Christmas......woof, woof! :love:


SoWal Insider
Feb 10, 2005
Chicago Area
jdarg, does this work quickly? I think Sweet Pea is being a trooper and is happy, but has some pain and I prefer to have her on something holistic. I will try the chemical if it will work quickly to relieve her discomfort (not to mention, it's breaking my heart to see).

I also believe in puppy chiropractics and puppy massage and will be searching for both in Buckhead.

She has been on liquid glucosamine/chondroitin since Sunday and she loves it, but I don't think it's working quickly enough.

If anyone knows of a holistic cocktail safe for canines, please let me know! Thank you and Merry Christmas......woof, woof! :love:

Lynnie, the glucosamine/chondroitin will take about 4 - 6 weeks. Maybe sooner.

The dermaxx, like jdarg says, is for "end stage" relief. Or at least it was for my little John. But it sure did help him the last 8 months of his life. Didn't make him any more flexible but it just helped with the actual joint pain. It's not holistic but it was worth it.

Good luck to Sweet Pea.


SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Lynnie, the glucosamine/chondroitin will take about 4 - 6 weeks. Maybe sooner.

The dermaxx, like jdarg says, is for "end stage" relief. Or at least it was for my little John. But it sure did help him the last 8 months of his life. Didn't make him any more flexible but it just helped with the actual joint pain. It's not holistic but it was worth it.

Good luck to Sweet Pea.

Thank you. Our Farmer's Market at the Cathedral just had their last day this past Sat. and won't start back up until March. I can have a farmer bring us chicken feet every week, but finding that in town is going to be tough, I think.

I am tempted to try ibuprofen, but don't want her to get poopy butt either.


SoWal Insider
Feb 10, 2005
Chicago Area
Thank you. Our Farmer's Market at the Cathedral just had their last day this past Sat. and won't start back up until March. I can have a farmer bring us chicken feet every week, but finding that in town is going to be tough, I think.

I am tempted to try ibuprofen, but don't want her to get poopy butt either.

Hey, try to find an Hispanic market for the chicken feet. We go to one around here that has the best homemade salsa and I see those cute little chicken feet all packaged up in the meat section. :lol:


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
jdarg, does this work quickly? I think Sweet Pea is being a trooper and is happy, but has some pain and I prefer to have her on something holistic. I will try the chemical if it will work quickly to relieve her discomfort (not to mention, it's breaking my heart to see).

I also believe in puppy chiropractics and puppy massage and will be searching for both in Buckhead.

She has been on liquid glucosamine/chondroitin since Sunday and she loves it, but I don't think it's working quickly enough.

If anyone knows of a holistic cocktail safe for canines, please let me know! Thank you and Merry Christmas......woof, woof! :love:

Go see your vet- they are the ones that need to figure out what is going on and the best course of treatment. If Sweetpea is young, then starting on a course of glucosamin/chond may be the option, with some pain relief thrown in until the joint supplements kick in. It take sometimes 6 weeks for the joint supps to start working- they are not instant pain relief. If Sweetpea is in pain, tell your vet, and get some Deramaxx or whatever they recommend. Most dogs will do fine with Deramaxx, but I am sure if you do a search on the internet, you will find plenty of people who have a story to tell, just like every drug and medical procedure on the planet.:roll: I personally see doctors and vets because I am not a medical professional and trust THEIR opinion- if not, why bother?

Drugs aren't always bad, and especially with an older dog, I would never mess around with anything that was not vet approved -I am not a vet, and I am not going to mess around with stuff that I don't get from my vet, period. My animals are treated like my kids, and I don't mess around. If they are in pain, get them to the vet, and if necessary, give them the big guns and let them feel good, especially if they are older and the potential side effects are the lesser evil of just being old and wanting some pain relief. When I am old and in pain, God help the person that tries to diagnose my problems that is not my doctor!

Sorry for the rant- I just have never understood trying every alternative med under the sun before trying tried and true medical treatment- I don't feel qualified to diagnose and treat our children and animals.

And never give dogs ibuprofen or Tylenol! Coated aspirin, like Ecotrin, or baby aspirin only.
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SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Go see your vet- they are the ones that need to figure out what is going on and the best course of treatment. If Sweetpea is young, then starting on a course of glucosamin/chond may be the option, with some pain relief thrown in until the joint supplements kick in. It take sometimes 6 weeks for the joint supps to start working- they are not instant pain relief. If Sweetpea is in pain, tell your vet, and get some Deramaxx or whatever they recommend. Most dogs will do fine with Deramaxx, but I am sure if you do a search on the internet, you will find plenty of people who have a story to tell, just like every drug and medical procedure on the planet.:roll: I personally see doctors and vets because I am not a medical professional and trust THEIR opinion- if not, why bother?

Drugs aren't always bad, and especially with an older dog, I would never mess around with anything that was not vet approved -I am not a vet, and I am not going to mess around with stuff that I don't get from my vet, period. My animals are treated like my kids, and I don't mess around. If they are in pain, get them to the vet, and if necessary, give them the big guns and let them feel good, especially if they are older and the potential side effects are the lesser evil of just being old and wanting some pain relief. When I am old and in pain, God help the person that tries to diagnose my problems that is not my doctor!

Sorry for the rant- I just have never understood trying every alternative med under the sun before trying tried and true medical treatment- I don't feel qualified to diagnose and treat our children and animals.

And never give dogs ibuprofen or Tylenol! Coated aspirin, like Ecotrin, or baby aspirin only.

Actually, my Vet is coming to my home as I am not going to have Sweet Pea jump into the Ho. We will go holistic, but might start with a cortizone shot for quick relief and then the natural meds. I've had two cortizone shots myself and I will have to be talked into this for her. Thanks for your rant!! And, hope Y'all have a Merry Christmas!! ;-)
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