I am a new owner and a new rentee (renter before that for 15+ yrs) and have 2 groups coming in on 7/16 and 7/23, respectively that rented directly from me via VRBO, vacationrentals.com etc and also use BRoSW too. As for BroSW, I can not get directly ahold of BRoSW on the phone (just got 1st email yesterday afternoon) even as an owner. I know they are dealing with other priority issues (owners with dmaged, lost houses, and renters that require relocation) but if I can not get ahold of them I am concerned that my other renters that they have booked being able to reach them to get info.
With my 2 direct renters coming in to my house in the next 2 weeks, I called them as soon as I felt I knew enough to tell them what to expect etc (Tuesday evening). Both are coming down as scheduled with no discount. We offered a 1st season discount so the price was a good one from the start and both renters have been down to the area several times before and know what to expect and one of them lives in New Orleans and has lost a family vacation home in one of these storms. I have been very proactive and forthcoming with them as to the condition of the beaches, walkovers, accesses, dunes, erosion etc and sent them the official SoWal access info and pointed them to the SoWal website.
They both thanked me profusely for calling them and giving them the straight scoop and allowing them the opportunity to know what was going on down there. I was prepared to offer them a discount for any inconvenience but neither asked for one and in fact one of them said that they would be glad to fix my minimully damaged screened porch if he had time. I told them both to call me directly when they are down there if they found the place/beach in an unusable condition and if they needed anything. My point is that as an owner that some people will want to cancel, some will want an "inconvenience" discount, others will try to gauge and be unresonable, and some owners and rental companies will tell it like it is and some will only give minimul info. So, on both sides, I think if you are fair, forthcoming, proactive, and respectful, you will work something out with the rental company and/or owner directly. I expect the gammit when dealing with the general population but have been lucky (and my renters stated that they felt lucky to get the stright scoop) with mine so far. I am prepared for some to ask for discounts and some to cancel but think that it will all work out in the big picture. Seems more people want to come and others need to relo from the west and all will balance out if you are fair and honest.

With my 2 direct renters coming in to my house in the next 2 weeks, I called them as soon as I felt I knew enough to tell them what to expect etc (Tuesday evening). Both are coming down as scheduled with no discount. We offered a 1st season discount so the price was a good one from the start and both renters have been down to the area several times before and know what to expect and one of them lives in New Orleans and has lost a family vacation home in one of these storms. I have been very proactive and forthcoming with them as to the condition of the beaches, walkovers, accesses, dunes, erosion etc and sent them the official SoWal access info and pointed them to the SoWal website.
They both thanked me profusely for calling them and giving them the straight scoop and allowing them the opportunity to know what was going on down there. I was prepared to offer them a discount for any inconvenience but neither asked for one and in fact one of them said that they would be glad to fix my minimully damaged screened porch if he had time. I told them both to call me directly when they are down there if they found the place/beach in an unusable condition and if they needed anything. My point is that as an owner that some people will want to cancel, some will want an "inconvenience" discount, others will try to gauge and be unresonable, and some owners and rental companies will tell it like it is and some will only give minimul info. So, on both sides, I think if you are fair, forthcoming, proactive, and respectful, you will work something out with the rental company and/or owner directly. I expect the gammit when dealing with the general population but have been lucky (and my renters stated that they felt lucky to get the stright scoop) with mine so far. I am prepared for some to ask for discounts and some to cancel but think that it will all work out in the big picture. Seems more people want to come and others need to relo from the west and all will balance out if you are fair and honest.