Here is a Summary of a study of "beach armoring" which employed a similar geo-tube product (thanks to Richard for the original post on another thread):wetwilly said:Saw the geotupe video.Brad Pikel did not completely slam them but he did indicate that this storm (Katrina) was probably not the best test case because for the most for the SoWal area it was appeared to be a "net positive" storm that deposited more sand on the beach than it took away. IMO it was not a storm that hit close enough to SoWal to cause the kind of surge that would be a good test for these mud filled tubes. Sounds like the threat of the tube breaking open and spilling brown sand onto the beach and the tube material floating or strewn on the beach after it comes apart.
Additionally, from what I heard, the story said "one Walton County man may have found a solution...." not that "Walton County" may have found a solution. I know people that are gulf front are trying to save their homes but these don't appear to have enough field testing under extreme, strenuous conditions IMO.
Did Lee Perry "invent" these things? Cuz that is what the reporter indicated?
Smiling JOe said:How are these people surviving in the extremely hot attics? The attics must be 120+ degrees.
Sueshore said:I hope everyone has heard Lt. General Honore of the Army (he is from LA) and his very common sense explanation on the effects of Katrina. I have been waiting for someone of good reputation to step up and really explain the exact timeline of this storm...he does. This storm was so far reaching and caused so much destruction the day of the hit and of course the next day when the levee broke. The news media (some of them) are so desperate to find someone to blame they just about cut him off. No doubt there will be questions and lessons learned from this, but we need to remember to get all the facts...even though that is hard when we see and hear the tragic dtories unfold. God Bless America.