I peeked through the windows at lunchtime today, and it looked as close as you could get to a dive in SoWal, right now. Good vibe to it.
Dives are the BEST!!!!I peeked through the windows at lunchtime today, and it looked as close as you could get to a dive in SoWal, right now. Good vibe to it.
Dives are the BEST!!!!
Rusty will make a GRAYT bartender!
Hey Skinkape! how did you attach that thumbnail???????
Can't wait to check it out with you Ali and all the other sowal wenches!! Rusty reported that it wasn't too crowed last night but they havn't really advertised either..we will see what happens this weekend! i have been dying to use that smilie!!
We had planned to make go by Hurricane's this evening, but were pooped out after sampling three other new restuarants, Flemings, Cantina Laredo, and Mitchells' Fish Market.
Advertised? They didn't even have a sign posted stating the hours. They were closed at lunch-time again today, with no sign posting their hours and days of operation.
We had dinner there tonight - wonderful!!! We had the raw oysters - yummy and I had the baked oysters with lemon and capers - can't remember the name but they were great!!! My other dining companions all had the fish tacos and were raving about how they were just as good as before!!!
Should be open for lunch next week they said - can't wait!!!