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Beach Lover
Jan 25, 2009
Thank you everyone for the recommendations. It's funny how opinions still range across the board. If anyone else has a suggestion, I'm all ears.

I love my iron is a Panasonic is really good and the best part you don't have to worry about the cord it rewind with the touch of a buttom, I hope this help you a bit. :yikes:


SoWal Insider
Apr 7, 2006
New York/ Santa Rosa Beach
I also vote Rowenta - they get hot, hot hot.

Online, try Allbrands.com, I got mine from them at a good price (and I'm the kind that pays $90 for an iron...)

Rowenta's are the cadillac of irons in general. Some people love, love love, their Rowenta irons. Some don't. I had one forever, then it died on me, probably because it was dropped so many times. I liked mine a lot. My iron is always out and I am a clutz. I didn't have the heart to make my husband return the professional iron he bought me to replace it,-- it's too heavy and doesn't get as hot as I would like, but get's the job done-- but I will probably get another Rowenta at some point. (or the Delonghi...:D)

Whatever you do, stay away from Black and Decker irons. I have the T-Fal in my rental unit since the price was right and my guests have commented they liked it. It was ideal for the price. If you can afford a Rowenta, go for it.


SoWal Expert
Aug 29, 2005
grapevine, tx. /On the road to SoWal
I have a Rowenta..or rather Mr. DD has a Rowenta. I dug it out and dusted it off just the other day to iron a tablecloth. Gets hot as hell, and leaks like a mofo.

ann hodnett

Beach Lover
Aug 8, 2008

Another suggestion, is to stay away from "light weight"! Yeah, they are lighter, but it takes more effort to iron out the wrinkles. A heavier iron does alot of the work for you. It suprises me how passionate people are about their irons. I love to show off my professional gravity feed iron. It requires a special set up, but it will take the wrinkles out of a 92 year old woman.

Sarah Moss

Beach Lover
Apr 5, 2006
Black Creek
Iron's worst nightmare!

We normally iron on a daily basis, always keep the water reservoir full and use starch often. We have gone through quite a few irons but the Rowenta seems to be holding up. It's only about 6 months old, which isn't very old but we have had others start leaking in that amount of time. We picked the Rowenta because of the great reviews online.


SoWal Insider
Apr 7, 2006
New York/ Santa Rosa Beach

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
I have an earlier version, I hate it. Too heavy. BTW- when was the last time you ironed or darned your socks? :D

Hey, I don't claim to know much about irons just trying to inject some research into this thread. I certainly don't darn socks as that is a task reserved for the truly skilled among us. I bought a cheapie Sunbeam iron in 2005-I love it, it makes great steam, doesn't leak and is light. I also discovered Brooks Brothers iron-free clothing!:cool:


Aug 11, 2005
I've been through a million irons it seems (I like to wear linen so I actually iron as much as our resident Iron Queen :D). I've bought everything from Rowenta to General Electric and I've killed them all! I therefore say buy the "Best Buy" that Consumer Reports recommends even though Rowenta is THE name in the business. Irons don't last: go for performance over reputation since soon or later you're going to drop it off the iron and mortally do it in.
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