If I remember correctly, classifieds may be viewed free of charge in the Walton Sun, and can include any range of area including Panama City and Destin. Kurt is correct about the quality person getting good pay with a little time, especially once you prove your worth. A good employee is hard to find and businesses fight for them. Just today, I received letters from two different businesses asking me to come work with them. I get them fairly often. If there are not good employees who are unemployed, employers look to steal them from other companies. I don't think my accountant is looking for anyone at the moment, but if you want, I will be glad to ask him if he knows of anyone looking. If you are looking to move at the beginning of the season, you are sure to have success in finding good employment. Good Luck and keep us posted.
EDIT:Also, rentals which allow dogs are difficult to find, but let me know when you start looking and I may be able to find you a connection. You should expect to pay a min of $1,000 per month.
EDIT:Also, rentals which allow dogs are difficult to find, but let me know when you start looking and I may be able to find you a connection. You should expect to pay a min of $1,000 per month.