If you don't want to watch it just read it.
It took 3 hours to make because many folks called asking to explain the condition in these pathetic situations.
If you have the means to have a group discussion and video tape it, and improve and educate the public, please do so. Put it on the web so I can have a shot at it too.
Like they say, everyone has an opinion.
Until then, its all I can do and as the blogger said, it sucks, so don't watch it.......
This is an attempt to explain the proper way how many legal issues regarding beach access at our public beaches should be resolved
BUYER: I am looking for a house on the beach in Florida
Can you help me find one?
AGENT: Sure Mr. Buyer, I have one in Destin Florida, right on the beach with your property deeded into the Gulf of Mexico.
In fact it has a private beach just for you.
Sign here!
After a few months of enjoying his new home in Florida, sitting on his own private beach, Mr. Buyer noticed that tourist were trespassing on his property.
It appears that they were not aware that this was his beach and it really bothered him no end!
BUYER: Mr. Tourist. What do you think you're doing on my beach? This is my beach mister! Now get off!
Do you realize that you are trespassing on private property? This is my private beach!
Now get off or I'll call the cops!
TOURIST: You must be crazy!
Florida does not have private beaches, they're all public beaches and that's why we come here on vacation.
Call the cops, I'm staying right here and you can sue me if you like!
BUYER: Officer, please come quickly
Men women and children are trespassing on my private beach right behind my house. What is worse is that they're enjoying the beach like they've done so for over 20 years, before I even got here.
It's so unfair. Could you please ask them to leave?
OFFICER: Mr. Buyer, I'm sorry, but I cannot come out to your house and ask these tourists, who are enjoying the public beach like they've done so for over 20 years, to leave.
That wouldn't be Florida.
There is a possibility that customary use can be proven and they most likely have to every right to be on the beach behind your house.
I cannot act as judge, jury and executioner and act on your behalf.
That is a violation of the Florida constitution.
I would suggest you contact your attorney and don't bother the tourists again.
BUYER: Mr. Tourist. I'm really mad because the police won't kick you off my beach, so I'm going to sue you and prove that you're not allowed on my land ever again.
Tourist: I hope you've got deep pockets
BUYER: Florida Judge listen up. I bought this land thinking that I own all of it, the wet sand and the dry sand, because here it is in my deed and the real estate agent told me so and I believed him
Am I wrong in thinking that I don't own all this land? What happened to my property rights? This is so not American
JUDGE: Mr. Buyer. When you bought your house on the beach, you should have done your due diligence, because we have proven in this court that this beach has been used continuously for over 20 years in a manner consistent to how Mr. Tourist was using the beach.
We are sorry to tell you but the dry sand behind your house has been used continuously and uninterrupted for a period exceeding 20 years and therefore a PRESCRIPTIVE EASEMENT exists.
This easement gives Mr. Tourist the right to use, not only the wet area of the public beach, but the dry area too.
TOURIST: Thank you Judge. For a moment I thought we would have to travel to Mexico to enjoy public beaches
I would suggest Mr. Grumpy Buyer move, where your home does not border on public property because you need privacy and a beach is for all people to gather and enjoy.
Don't you just love our constitution
Thank you Mr. Buyer for paying my Legal fees. Hugs and kisses.
Florida Public beaches are for everyone
I hope you enjoyed this presentation
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